Author name: Alec Johnson


Leftist Ponders Why More Men Aren’t Eunuchs

Today in “you have to see it to believe it,” leftists are wondering why more men aren’t getting themselves castrated.

The official British newspaper of woke, The Guardian, came out with this headline:

Said researcher is Cat Bohannon, who has quite a way with words when she discusses the male anatomy. Bohannon wonders aloud to an audience why men insist on keeping their bodies intact. Bohannon said castration was a “way to make male mammals live longer,” and that castrated men lived longer than their “regularly balled peer.”

Additional research is needed, as we should expect to see men with leftist political beliefs have significantly longer lifespans if this is the case.

There’s no word on whether Bohannon considers her breasts potentially cancerous “death bags.” Probably not, as the title of her book suggests a distinct female chauvinism: Eve: How The Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution.

Watch out boys, here she comes:

Speaking at a festival, Bohannon “wonders” aloud my men insist on “smuggling two little death nuggets” through their whole lives. She’d likely say she was posing a question about why evolution designed the male reproductive system to have a shortening effect on men’s life span. But it beggars belief that Bohannon does not understand that evolution only “cares” about lifespans long enough to complete reproduction. Is anyone else smelling vindictive feminism?

American philosopher Peter Boghossian kicked off a conversation on X/Twitter.

Australian MP Moira Deeming jumped in:

Since we now know that sex is a “social construct” (that’s left-academia-speak for, “some bollocks I just made up”), it’s a reasonable question!

User Szlater notices that mainstream media are uniquely friendly to only one kind of bigotry: the anti-male kind:

Optimistically, it looks like a number of men and women are noticing modern anti-male bias.


“Follow the Science” Crowd Stumbles Upon Most Obvious “Discovery” Ever

In recent years formerly normal people have adopted the most incredible delusions. They think they can’t know the most ordinary things unless they’re told such things are real by science™ – even though science is also called into question when it contradicts the dominant progressive orthodoxy. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson infamously stated that she cannot say what a woman might be, because she’s “not a biologist.”  Woke teac—sorry, educators—assure us that we can’t say 2+2=4 because it’s sometimes 5 on account someone science-y said so:

Now comes Britian’s woke paper The Guardian with baby-related tidings from “the science.” Carl Benjamin, once the focus of a censorious cancellation campaign because of his insistence on seeing reality during the “gamergate” scandal, points us to this new wisdom.

We’ve seen a lot of nonsense recently about sex not being real, the climate-o-pocalypse, and much else, but there’s something special about the way this Guardian writer gingerly tells us about babbling babies:

You cannot be serious, madam. Babies making phonemes might actually be. . . practicing speech? Next you’re going to tell us sun comes out during the day – and is bright!

Worse, social media appears to be full of unauthorized noticers, ordinary non-degreed citizens who think they have the right to see things and then say them! They seem a bit tired of this very 2020s game:

User Cecilia Glennon took the risk of unlicensed noticing:

Our favorite is this one, served super dry:

Have you noticed anything about the world in an un-authorized way? Tell us below.

Campus Crazies, Uncategorized

NYU Students List Their Majors – And It Makes “Underwater Basket Weaving” Look Like a Real Major by Comparison

A lot of us remember arguing with our parents over college majors. If we wanted to get an arts degree, many of our dads said something like, “You can take whatever you want, but I’m not paying for a diploma that won’t get you a real job.” If the kids in the video below are any indication, America’s moms and dads have lowered their standards.

The epic X/Twitter account End Wokeness posted this social media compilation of today’s youth in New York City gabbing excitedly about their college majors – none of which can be considered real majors.

Remember that old joke about majoring in underwater basket weaving? Oh, it’s far worse today. Here are some of the majors these young people rattled off with surprising pride:

  • The Performance of Self
  • Creative Production and Narrative Through the Arts
  • The Sociology of Environmental Communication
  • Music, Business, and Gender Studies

“The Performance of Self?” Might be more honestly labeled “How To Turn Narcissistic Personality Disorder Into Fun and Profit!”

Most of the alleged majors sound as though they were made up on the spot during a street game of Mad Libs, but student Dominique’s “Care Studies” major has to take top prize. What students are to care for or about is left unclear, but her minor of “Disability Studies” might give a clue.

You’ll have to watch the whole thing to get the complete list, and we warn you, gird your loins if you are sensitive to valley girl accents. To a man and woman, each matriculant talks like and extra from “Heathers”. Every statement goes up at the end making it sound like a question?

Naturally, X users had some unkind-but-true things to say. Joe Nicosia expects to see these bright youngsters at Starbucks:

Savannah Hernandez correctly identifies this cohort as our whiners-in-waiting:

Steven Miller thinks there’s a bit of hope for them beyond barista-hood:

Jokes aside, this kind of “education” is no laughing matter for grownups who’d like to see first-world society continue. User Paul A. Szypula has the right of it:

What’s your favorite made-up major? Tell us in the comments!


Lizzo Melts Down Over South Park Parody

Twitter user Sarah Fields got it right:

She’s talking about Lizzo, the buxom songstress and flute player who has made a big splash in pop music as a fat woman who allegedly loves her big, beautiful body. Like most leftist Hollywood types, though, the self-confidence evaporates when a more tempting prize comes into view: sympathy and outrage.

Lizzo found herself parodied on the long-running South Park, probably the most irreverent adult cartoon ever made. Creators Trey Park and Matt Stone are equal-opportunity piss-takers, as the Brits say. They have punctured the pretensions of preachy vegans, lazy hippies, trans surgery advocates (don’t forget when Mr. Broflovski got dolphin-affirming care), and now they’re turning their sights to Lizzo.

In a performative bit of anger-reacting, Lizzo sat down in front of her phone camera to watch the recent cartoon clip that pokes fun at her. In the episode, Sharon tells her friend Sheila that she just doesn’t have the willpower to lose weight the old-fashioned way by cutting calories and exercising. So she turned to the new wonder drug “Lizzo.” Written like a pharmaceutical commercial, Sharon tries “FDA-approved Lizzo,” which “makes you feel good about your weight.”

Give her reaction a watch below:

The faux weight loss drug Lizzo is a play on the diet drug Ozempic. But instead of cutting your cravings, new Lizzo just makes you not “give a f—” about your weight. Sharon says “I’ve lowered my standards and my expectations!”

Unsurprisingly, the real Lizzo is none too pleased with this on-the-nose commentary on her “body positivity” gimmick. The singer may be displeased, but social media users are having a blast.

User Tanner X Rubicon hit the nail on the head:


That’s the thing with celebrities in the age of woke. They want to be ridiculous and never be called on the carpet for it. If modern stars developed a sense of humor about themselves the public would probably find them at least 50 percent less insufferable.

Of course, there’s always one person who can’t wait to twist the knife one more turn:

Who’s your “favorite” sanctimonious star? Tell us in the comments below!

Crime Denial

New Biopic to Make George Floyd a Secular Saint

There’s no let-up in the leftist campaign to canonize George Floyd. One of his daughters, Gianna Floyd, has announced that she’s producing a biopic about her father called “Daddy Changed the World.”

Did he ever.

Floyd, a longtime drug addict and criminal, spent plenty of time in jail from the late 1990s to 2005 on a variety of drug and theft charges. In 2009 he pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery after pointing a gun at a woman and demanding money to buy drugs. He spent five years in prison until 2013.

The world watched transfixed when video of Floyd’s encounter with Minneapolis police went viral. Officer Derek Chauvin, who was later convicted of murder, put his knee on Floyd’s back during an arrest for passing counterfeit currency, convincing onlookers and a jury that Chauvin killed him by asphyxiation. Critics dispute this, pointing out that his autopsy report revealed high levels of fentanyl and other hard drugs in his system. Whatever the truth of Floyd’s death, Black Lives Matter Activists used it to mobilize the “defund the police” movement across the country, and chaos ensued nationwide.

Meanwhile, Floyd was elevated to secular sainthood on social media, a status he still enjoys. Check out President Joe Biden’s religious-level praise of a career crook:

Meanwhile, a lot of regular people on X are not so impressed with Biden, or with the prospect of a movie that puts a halo on Floyd. Here’s podcaster Styxenhammer:

User “MakeAmericaSaneAgain” mashed up some memes showing the “mostly peaceful protests” that kicked off after Floyd’s death became a sensation:

Another used more measured language than some others to say what many normal people believe. What’s crazy to us at Wokespy is how afraid most Americans are to say perfectly sensible things like this:

Of more relevance to reality, there’s also a new documentary questioning the bogus mainstream media narratives surrounding Floyd’s death worth watching:

What’s your take on the canonization of Saint Floyd? Let us know in the comments.


Media Matters Meltdown: Far-Left Smear Machine Starts Laying Off Staff

The hard-left smear machine “Media Matters” is getting a taste of its own cancellation medicine, and its employees don’t like it one little bit. Media Matters presents itself as a watchdog over right-wing media and public figures, but acts more like a propaganda company dedicated to ruining their political opposition by any means necessary.

The company announced it had to lay off at least a dozen staff May 24, and it’s blaming that on X (Twitter) owner Elon Musk. Last fall Musk sued Media Matters, claiming the company deliberately made up a “report” to scare advertisers away from buying space on X. The suit accuses Media Matters of manipulating X’s algorithm to make it appear that mainstream advertisers spots were appearing next to “racist” or “Nazi” content from platform users, when in fact they were not.

My, how the worm has turned. Media Matters makes its money by dishonestly targeting conservative commentators to make them appear dangerous and insane. One of their favorites is Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, who jokingly calls himself a theocratic fascist dictator. Media Matters pretends to take his obviously sarcastic and satirical seriously. Here’s just a small sample :

The author, transgender writer Ari Drennen, is now (to the amusement of millions) among those also identifying as unemployed.

Some of Media Matters’ favorite targets are having great fun rubbing salt in the wound. The Babylon Bee’s Kyle Mann:

Musk himself couldn’t help but laugh too:

Another now-unemployed crusader, Media Matters’ chief anti-Israel and anti-Tucker Carlson voice Kat Abu, is having a very bad day too:

Last year Kat Abu was crowing about Fox News firing Tucker Carlson:

And it looks like the general public on X isn’t too sympathetic, either:

Crime Denial

Illinois Democrats Look to Change the Term “Offender” – And You’ll Never Believe What They’re Replacing It With

Scientist Steven Pinker calls it the “euphemism treadmill,’ that whenever a term for something—a kind of person, a phenomenon—gets to a certain age, people itch to replace it with something they think is nicer. What that means is that people want to wash away any negative or unflattering connotations of a current term and replace that term with a new one. That’s exactly what the Illinois legislature is doing with its official new term for “offender” for criminal.

As Pinker put it; “People invent new ‘polite’ terms to refer to emotionally laden or distasteful things.”’ It’s easy to see this over the course of just a few decades. In the 1970s and 80s, the term “mentally retarded” was a new euphemism (yes, that’s right, that term was a euphemism) for people formerly called “morons” or “imbeciles”. But society has now become re-offended by “retarded,” and insists that we refer to such people as “developmentally delayed,” or “developmentally challenged.” The federal government changed its term from “retarded” to “intellectual disability” in 2013, but today that new euphemism is starting to be frowned on because it’s just too uncomfortably accurate.

The euphemism treadmill sometimes brings new terminology that is less clear, and often edging right up to dishonesty, adding a flattering connotation to something that one wouldn’t or shouldn’t be proud of. For Exhibit A, check out what PC Democrats are doing in the Illinois legislature.

The word “offender” is now out, according to a bill on the Illinois governor’s desk. From now on, if you’ve broken the law and end up in jail, you are a “justice-impacted individual.” The woke and the “caring” never know when to stop, and too few conservatives make any real effort to put obstacles in their path.

Notice the parallel here to the recent shift from the term “homeless” to “un-housed.” It’s sly and subtle, but it’s wicked. “Un-housed” describes homeless people in the passive voice, implying that some outside body or entity did not “house” that person. It suggests that society, or cities, or states, have somehow failed in a moral duty to give people “housing.” The term disappears personal responsibility, making it impossible to even ask whether homeless people have done anything to contribute to their circumstances.

Illinois’ new “justice-impacted individual” for jailbirds is even bolder. It turns actual villains into victims. Instead of recognizing the burden a criminal has placed on their victim and society, it pretends that convicts have been “impacted” by the justice system. What else would you expect from the woke?

At least a few conservative lawmakers tried to push back. Illinois Republican Senator Terri Bryant said, “Over and over again, we keep changing the name of how we are referring to those who have entered into criminal activity and each time we make that change, each agency has to make that change on every one of their documents.”

Unfortunately, this has been to no avail.

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