It had to happen, and it finally did. You know this meme. Everyone knows it. On an episode of the sitcom 30 Rock, middle-aged Steve Buscemi dresses like a teenaged skater boy to camouflage himself among high school students. He approaches a group of students and says, “How do you do, fellow kids?”
It’s become one of the most popular memes because it perfectly captures the awkward embarrassment of watching mom or dad try to be “down with the youth.”

One Canadian Senator apparently didn’t get the joke. Bernadette Clement of the province of Ontario acted it out on the floor of the legislature during a speech in support of allowing citizens younger than 18 to vote in elections. In case you didn’t know, that’s the latest leftist crusade, but don’t worry it’s absolutely nothing like past collectivist movements.

Here’s Senator Clement explaining the legislation in… “youth-speak”? Watch below if you’re ready to cringe:
She starts out speaking to “honourable fam.” She says “waiting until 18 to vote is a big yikes.” The youth brown-nosing continues as she describes teens as a group who “slays” and “stays bussin’”. That’s black American slang for “excellent,” apparently, or something.
As the young say, Clement’s performance is so “cringe” this writer can’t bear to transcribe any more for you, so you’ll have to watch it for yourself.
Let’s see what the internet had to say!
Clement’s pitch had the opposite effect on this user:

One MAGA user unkindly put it this way:

He has a point, we think.
User Roberto asks about the next logical step:

Sure, political moves like this are “funny” in a “I saw this mad thing online” kind of way, but this is actually a quite serious issue. User Johnny B. Goode says what leftists love to call “exaggeration,” but we’ve seen enough to think he’s right.

What say you about the voting age? 16? 12? Third trimester? Tell us below!