Republicans Favored In All Demographics Except One, New Poll Shows

A new poll from Edison Research Network shows that Americans tend to favor Republicans in every demographic except one.

When they broke down over 18,000 respondents by gender and marital status, nearly 70% of unmarried women preferred Democrats over Republicans.

In every other category, married men, married women, and unmarried men, Republicans were the favorite.

What does this information tell us about ourselves?

It tells us that liberal, utopian, socialist ideology might sound good when you’re young. But when you “grow up” and have a family to provide for, you quickly see the light.

It also tells us that the woke, green-haired, perpetually-offended Karens are the minority and do not represent the sentiment of most Americans.

X users were quick to confirm the results of the poll.

Based on your experience, is this poll accurate?

3 thoughts on “Republicans Favored In All Demographics Except One, New Poll Shows”

  1. I believe the poll. All of my friends that are not white are voting Trump. Most of my white friends are voting Trump. It makes sense that unmarried white women are looking for Uncle Sam to play daddy and take care of their needs.

    1. Some of the younger single women are looking to the government to play the role of daddy and some are just angry that the world has yet to appreciate their “brilliance” and thus blame men for that. But as they age and remain single, they become increasingly unhappy and look to the government to be a surrogate husband and to their cats as surrogate children.

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