“You’re the Cause of Our Country Being Divided” – Marjorie Taylor-Greene Slams Reporter At Republican National Convention

House Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene has been lauded after slammed a reporter’s “ridiculous” questions at the Republican National Convention.

The Republican and staunch supporter of Donald Trump was speaking to Times Radio reporter Jo Crawford about the nomination of J.D. Vance as the Republican presidential nominee’s running mate.

Crawford asked a number of questions on Vance’s previous comments, including about his past criticisms of Trump, as well as more recent remarks over the election of the Labour Party government in the United Kingdom.

On the latter, Rep. Taylor-Greene pointed out that President Joe Biden had compared MAGA Republicans to fascists and Hitler.

“[Biden] completely lied, demonizing him, so much so that a young man – a 20-year-old, which is hard to imagine – actually climbed on to a roof and tried to murder President Trump,” said the Georgia Representative.

Taylor-Greene then took aim at the reporter and other members of the mainstream media, accusing them of facilitating claims and misquoting politicians.

“You’re ridiculous, and you’re the problem in our country,” she added, before accusing Crawford of political activism. “You’re the cause of our country being divided. You’re the cause of President Trump of almost being assassinated,” she continued before terminating the interview.

Give the full exchange a watch below:

Some on social media agreed wholeheartedly with MTG’s comments.

Others pondered whether the exchange raised questions about the mainstream media in general.

Likewise, a well-received comment suggested that it was not the media as a whole which was at fault, but certain reporters or publications which strive to create division.

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