Yes, LGBT(Whatever) is Coming For Your Children

Yes, they are coming for your children.

Thanks to LibsofTikTok for unearthing the above video – see if you can make sense of what’s going on in this video. Apparently, it’s a man dressing up as a woman who dresses up as a kid to sing “songs for littles” to children—while indoctrinating them with lunatic ideas about how they can choose to be a boy or a girl.

Let’s see if we can sort this out. The man pictured below recorded a one-minute video pretending to be a popular children’s Youtuber known as “Miss Rachel.” Miss Rachel, an actual woman, runs a wildly successful Youtube channel called “Songs for Littles.” But what looks wholesome on the surface has darkness underneath; Miss Rachel’s on-show sidekick “Jules”—also an actual woman—pretends to be “non-binary.” As with most such women, we think Jules looks like a typical young lesbian, but apparently she’s neither man nor woman, so who can say?

To the anger of many parents, Miss Rachel has been shilling gender ideology on her show for kids. The performer uses “they/them” pronouns on the show to refer to her co-cast member, who can often be seen wearing clothes featuring the “trans colors” (have you ever wondered why those colors are baby pink and baby blue?). Speaking in a high-pitched voice reminiscent of a manic kindergarten teacher, Miss Rachel sings songs to children accompanied by her very-much-not-a-lesbian-and-definitely-not-a-boy-or-a-girl friend Jules.

Back to the new video. This obvious man donned his best Miss Rachel costume and talks to the children presumably watching him about something “super important—what it means to be transgender.” With his deep male voice, he instructs the audience that children can be a boy, or a girl, or “a little bit of both.”

Everyday Americans are finally waking up to the Trojan Horse that is transgenderism, and they have no intention of letting their children be led into madness and sex changes by modern day crossdressing pied pipers. And thanks to Elon Musk’s free speech policy on X/Twitter, they can say so without fear of being banned and called bigots.

User Glenda points out something most of us know:

We’re with user Duncan on this one. What possesses parents to allow their kids to take in this media brainwashing?

Go back up and listen to the video, and you’ll probably agree with Steve Baker. That voice and cadence from Mister Miss Rachel gives us the creeping willies.

This comment hits the bullseye. The most astonishing and disturbing part of the trans onslaught is how many American adults suddenly stopped being able to detect the most obvious perverted and predatory interest.

When did you notice that Americans lost the ability to see obvious child predators? Tell us about it in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Yes, LGBT(Whatever) is Coming For Your Children”

  1. They can’t come after my children or grandchildren. They’ve already been taught about these evil weirdos. They know better than to get near them.

  2. When a society normalizes sodomy, human consciousness loses it’s ability to discern right from wrong in all other things. Society is turned over to a reprobate mind. It’s just a matter of time before their destruction. The international bankers, intelligence community and all their minions know this. They are experts and scientific a out the concept. You’re being herded into the hog pen for the slaughter. Tyrants will burn down their own empire to rule over the ashes.

  3. The many so called “PRIDE” days, weeks, months, events are nothing less than grooming. Presenting deviant behavior as “normal” things done by everyday people. This grooming, along with the advocacy of local, state, and national governments, libraries, small and large businesses are some groups in the name of inclusion.

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