Woke Actor Tweets “Joe Biden is the Best President We’ve Ever Had.” Chaos Ensues

Woke actor Mark Hamill, best known as Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars series (has he been in anything else?), took his wokeness to a new level when he tweeted his support for Joe Biden earlier this week.

“Joe Biden is the best president we’ve ever had.”

Wow. Just wow.

If you’re a lifelong Democrat and you vote “blue no matter who”, I can understand that. I don’t agree with it, but I can understand it.

Hell, if you despise Donald Trump so much that you plan to vote “against” him as opposed to “for” Biden, I (almost) understand that too.

But you can’t say with a straight face that Joe Biden is even a good president, let alone the best we’ve ever had.

Mr. Hamill didn’t elaborate on what exactly President Biden has done that makes him history’s best president.

Here are a few things that I can think of off the top of my head that disqualify him from the “Best Presidents” debate:

  • Millions of illegal immigrants flooding into our country through an unsecure border
  • Hundreds of trillions of taxpayer dollars sent overseas to fun foreign wars
  • Rampant inflation
  • Serious mental decline
  • “10% for the Big Guy”

The video below has countless more examples of how Biden and his allies are destroying the country:

Needless to say, X users had a field day with Hamill’s tweet.

Now I remember what Mark Hamill has been up to recently. Wasn’t he in Game of Thrones?

7 thoughts on “Woke Actor Tweets “Joe Biden is the Best President We’ve Ever Had.” Chaos Ensues”

  1. Robert Holmboe

    Biden is what people used to call an empty suit. Someone needs to keep track of the people actual making the decisions that are wrecking the middle class and make sure they never get appointed again.

  2. When exactly did Mr Hamil loose his mind?
    That he believes what he says is normal but Now
    he expects the rest of us to join him in his delusion

  3. John M Stettner

    Just because you play a hero in movies doesn’t make you a hero. Let’s not forget that he also did the voice for the Joker – would that make him insane or evil? No. Please remember that Mark Hammil is an actor. By definition, he plays for a living. He reads the words other people write, repeats those lines over and over till someone else tells him, “you got it! That’s what we want to see!” He is wealthy beyond the means of average people and lives securely and well distanced from anything resembling the life of a normal person. Basically, Mark Hammil is an empty shell of a human being that anyone with enough money can buy and pull his strings to have him say or do anything they want. This is not to say someone paid him to say Biden is best, but rather that there is no education or experience within Hammil to make intelligent statements at all.

  4. There is ignorance. Ignorance is innocent lack of knowledge. Then there is willful ignorance. Will ignorance is stupidity.

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