Stephen King Posts Yet Another Work Of Fiction On Social Media

Prominent author Stephen King is renowned for his works of fiction, although he may have released his least popular work yet.

King, who regularly posts his left-wing opinions on X despite his apparent hatred for the social media platform under Elon Musk, has long used his large following to sway voters towards the Democrats.

The author regurgitated a comment from former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly about Donald Trump’s fictitious disparagement for those who had served the country – a claim Trump has vehemently denied. denies.

Within minutes, King’s post was barraged with photographs of Trump being photographed with amputee veterans.

Indeed, no community note appeared on the post, presumably because the replies had already done the work.

13 thoughts on “Stephen King Posts Yet Another Work Of Fiction On Social Media”

  1. Stephen King is a has been. His opinion is irrelevant and insignificant. He’s as sharp as a marble, a round one. He must smoke a lot of crack or donkey dung. I read his books as a young person. I’m never reading another word.

    1. Dave's not here, man

      There’s a famous one at an air base in Delaware, where he’s checking his watch.

  2. The guy is a 60’s has been – but at one time he wrote great books. So what? Ezra Pound was an unrepentant NAZI and wrote great poetry. Even Hitler could sort of paint. So Kings ability as a fiction writer means nothing – he is still a woke brainwashed delusional fascist – the type who thinks those who disagree with him should be shot in the public square or put in a mental hospital. Scratch the surface of a leftist and you find a fascist – the inability of these people to get past their conditioning is maddening and indicative of a weak character – maybe it explains the lack of a decent book in decades

  3. TDS sufferers lie, lie, lie.
    Easily disprovable but they lie anyway.
    TDS cult believes and repeats.

  4. What is it about Donald Trump that makes these people become so nuts that they make complete asses of themselves in front of the whole world? At one time in the past Stephen King wrote fairly decent fiction, but as time went on, politics started to creep in to his work. Although I didn’t read his latest novel, I heard enough about it to say no thanks. It is super charged with leftist political garbage and lies, which may be cathartic for King and other nutty leftists, but not us “normies”.

  5. poor steevee. he obviously hit his head too hard in his accident. combine that with his inner demons, and he’s off the rails…

  6. Maybe King and the other vocal idiots of Hollywood should just stay in their lane. Okay, you’re good at your job. I’m good at my job – lots of us are good at our jobs that’s why we are paid to do them. However, I’ll never understand what makes entertainers think that they are so much smarter than the rest of us. To all of you in the entertainment industrial complex; Hanks, Howard, Meathead (Reiner), Sarandon, Middler, Swift, Penn, DeNiro, Streisand, Stiller, etc. STFU and just do your job.

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