Social Media Split Over Alleged ABC Whistleblower’s Affidavit Following Debate

A damning affidavit by an alleged whistleblower regarding the ABC News presidential debate has emerged on social media.

The six-page affidavit was reportedly filed in New York on Monday, Sept. 9 – one day before Donald Trump and Kamala Harris’ televised debate. The anonymous whistleblower, who said they did not endorse the former president, claims to have been an employee for over ten years.

It alleges that “many employees” of ABC questioned the fairness of the debate given the “common knowledge” that both moderators “are well known not to support Donald Trump,” adding that assurances were given to ensure a balanced broadcast.

Section four, pertaining to debate fairness, is the most damning. The affidavit claims the Harris campaign “received particular accommodations” such as a smaller podium for the shorter candidate as well as “assurances regarding split-screen television views” to favorably impact the Vice President.

The document also claims that Trump would be subjected to fact-checking throughout the debate while “Harris would not face comparable scrutiny.” It also alleges that the Democrat’s campaign was provided with sample questions after it imposed restrictions on questions relating to President Joe Biden’s health and Harris’ tenure as San Francisco Attorney General.

You can read the affidavit for yourself below:

Social media users were divided over the affidavit, with many finding the claims “interesting”.

Others, however, were less convinced by its authenticity.

Neither ABC, Trump’s nor Harris’ campaigns are yet to respond to the document.

5 thoughts on “Social Media Split Over Alleged ABC Whistleblower’s Affidavit Following Debate”

  1. No doubt ABC gave Harris all the questions in advance just like Donna Brazil did for Hillary. They also let Kalama know she would not be fact checked at all during the debate, now confirmed by ABC. Harris also have vote power over the subjects that would be covered during the debate. After the train wreck of the of the CNN interview with Walz holding her hand the only hope she had is to change the debate rules to be more in her favor.

  2. A notary is not required to check for errors. The notary can only verify the identity of the signer through photo ID. This is a check to ensure that the person signing is in fact the one doing so through the photo ID verification.

  3. I just don’t understand their mindset of the left in America, you give them truth of something and they deny it exists. But, a bald face lie they will repeat as gospel.

  4. A notary public does not affirm the truth of your statement.
    A notary public’s signature affirms that you made the statement.

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