Seattle Times Blasts Trump – Is Immediately Debunked by Their Own Reporting

The Seattle Times contradicted its own reporting when attacking Donald Trump, leading to an astounding community note regarding 2020 protests in the Washington city.

The liberal publication shared an article on X relating to Trump’s comments about the protests in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter riots. During the presidential debate on Tuesday, Trump was asked if he had any regrets over the events of January 6, 2021.

He correctly replied in the negative, adding; “When are the people that burned down Minneapolis going to be prosecuted or in Seattle? They went into Seattle, they took over a big percentage of the city of Seattle. When are those people going to be prosecuted?”

The Times attempted to claim Trump’s comments relating to the size of the Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest area were false, claiming Trump was false to suggest that protesters took over part of Seattle in 2020.

Trumo was clearly speaking about the the Capitol Hill Organized Protest/Zone (CHOP/CHAZ), which spanned around six blocks in the heart of the city from June 2020 before being disbanded due to ongoing violence. (As mentioned in the community note) so widely reported on was this that the Seattle Times themselves covered it (approvingly, of course) and sent a reporter it it when it was still a thing.

Amazingly, the CHAZ was less than two blocks from the Times’ offices.

But now the Times is playing dumb… while also actually being dumb.

Many on social media slammed the publication’s contradictory reporting which led to the eventual community note.

A local resident was particularly irate with the Times.

Another highlighted that the publication seemed to contradict its own reporting within the same article.

5 thoughts on “Seattle Times Blasts Trump – Is Immediately Debunked by Their Own Reporting”

  1. This is why I left Seattlestan in 2005, and the Puget Sound for good six years later. The only thing I miss is fishing, in that handful of venues that hasn’t been trashed by vandals and/or homeless. You get what you vote for, people; live with it or change it.

  2. Such is the leftist mindless way of life. Screw up everything until it’s too repulsive and despicable for even the corrupt to tolerate and then blame the result on those who live responsible lives. Just like a kid does when he breaks the neighbor’s plate glass door and then vehemently blames it on the dog. When they finally get found out they sheepishly cower and whisper, “But I didn’t mean for it to happen.” Cowardice in its purest form. Thus is the marrow of the left. Useless and irresponsible.

  3. Recognizing Truth

    “But now the Times is playing dumb… while also actually being dumb. ”

    The only consistency at the times in decades.

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