Scott Jennings Dismantles CNN Panel In Row Over Musk, Deportations And DOJ

Scott Jennings is a shining light in the dark hellhole known as CNN.

The Republican political strategist and writer is one of the few conservative voices permitted on the network, and regularly offers a sensible alternative to what is otherwise a left-wing propaganda tool. His recent appearance on Newsnight was no exception.

Despite the best efforts of his liberal colleagues, Jennings tore apart each and every argument thrown his way. His first victim was Maria Cardona, who went into a bizarre outburst on how the Department of Justice “does not work for the President,” despite, as Jennings pointed out, the DoJ being within the Executive Branch.

Ashley Allison stepped in as the discussion moved on to using the judicial system to target political opponents.

“By your logic, if you apply it to the last administration, which I don’t think is the case, if Joe Biden wanted to go after Donald Trump, the Attorney General should be able to do it,” Allison said.

“They did go after Donald Trump, because Joe Biden did want to do it,” laughed Jennings as Allison tried to amend her statement.

The conversation then moved onto illegal immigration, with one pundit arguing that voters had not realized to the full extent what the President’s mass deportations would truly entail.

“The assertion that all American voters did not know exactly what Donald Trump is going to do…is totally false,” Jennings replied. “There was mass amount of polling during the campaign. Hispanic Americans supported deportations by majority. You and I debated this many times. You claimed it wasn’t true. And then what did they do, they went and voted for Donald Trump.”

He added, “There is no buyer’s remorse. The people who followed our laws and came here legally are more than happy to see the laws enforced.”

Cardona responded with a suggestion of mass amnesty, arguing that the way to “get rid of all those illegals” was “to give them a pathway to citizenship.”

The highlight of the night, however, came when Catherine Rampell accused Elon Musk of performing a “second Sieg Heil”. When Jennings told the Washington Post columnist to “lawyer up”, Rampell suffered a fullblown meltdown, demanding Jennings “do it on TV right now” while slamming the desk.

What was your favorite moment from the broadcast? Let us know in the comments.

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