Redditors Fear Citizenship Denial After “Accidentally” Registering To Vote

A Redditor who claims to be a non-citizen of the United States has detailed their experience where they were registered to vote upon a visit to the Department for Motor Vehicles (DMV).

The anonymous user is one of multiple instances shared in a lengthy thread shared on X. This particular green card holder “accidentally registered to vote” when renewing their driving license in January 2022.

One Redditor described how they were confused by the use of the word “resident” when checking their eligibility. They added that they had no idea whether they were able to vote after their voting rights were part of their college application.

One man whose ex-girlfriend is a green card holder described how she registered to vote when applying for her state ID.

Ignorance has not been the only cause of accidental voter registration, however. A permanent resident in Texas, who was aware that “one can be denied U.S. citizenship” if they attempt to vote, noticed a voter registration card despite not registering or planning to cast their ballot.

One user, who did not have citizenship, was reportedly granted a voter’s card during a visit to the DMV.

Others were less fortunate, expressing concerns over being denied citizenship after accidental voter registration.

It seems to have been an issue which is not recent, with a now-deleted post dating back ten years also featuring in the thread.

Rather worryingly, there were also a number of posts from users who had said they’d been coerced or tricked into registering to vote.

6 thoughts on “Redditors Fear Citizenship Denial After “Accidentally” Registering To Vote”

  1. There you go. That’s how the 2024 presidential election will get stolen again. Nothing is being done to stop this.

  2. Only one group has the financial and ideological resources to undermine the USA and the EU. Soros is the tip of the Marxist spear.

  3. This is the lefts goal in swamping the country with gullible and easily manipulated illegals registered to vote. Do you think those MS-13 gang members that are offered $100 apiece to register and vote care about the fact that it’s illegal?

  4. Back when I registered to vote, the procedure was pretty strict. As it should be. I believe a person registering to vote should have to verbally state, and sign, that they are a citizen of the US, and they understand it is a federal violation of law, to register & vote, if they are not being truthful. Penalty for voting, while not a citizen, should be an automatic deportation.

  5. You mentioned that most illegals intentionally register to vote and then vote knowingly. Good catch on that.

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