MSNBC’s Ari Melber Threatens To Sue Donald Trump Advisor In Heated Televised Clash

MSNBC broadcaster Ari Melber launched a furious tirade against Donald Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski on live television in which he threatened to sue the former president’s aide for defamation.

The controversy erupted following a Fox News article reporting on prior remarks made by Melber regarding the bandage on Trump’s ear in the aftermath of the assassination attempt against his life in Butler, PA. A segment from Melber’s show was referenced where the broadcast quote a New York Times article about Trump being his own “biggest prop”. It noted the “large white bandage on his injured right ear”, describing it as “a blank rectangle on which the crowd could read what it wished, and that made it the most potent placard in the hall.”

Reacting to the piece, Melber said, “That’s fair. A placard for delegates to fill in, an image for political mobilization, a spectacle, for this candidate who we know is by his own admission obsessed with assorted spectacles.”

But on Wednesday’s broadcast, Melber had a change of tune and lost it when Lewandowski made reference to it.

“So you didn’t say this bandage was a proper spectacle from a candidate who’s obsessed with spectacles?” Lewandowski asked.

“Mr. Lewandowski, I did not say that. That is a false quote,” Melber responded. “What you have is a false quote. I’m putting you on notice. If you continue to repeat falsely that I said that, you will be potentially in a defamation situation because I didn’t say that.”

Watch the insanity for yourself below:

Social media users reacted to a video which featured the controversial remark and threat of a lawsuit.

Another user had praise for Lewandowski.

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