Minneapolis Prosecutor Thinks Conservatives Make People Fear Crime

We all know the leftist progression:

“That’s not happening.”
“That’s only happening in rare circumstances.”
“That’s happening but why is it such a big deal to you?””
“That’s happening and it’s a really good thing!”

You find its greatest concentration in blue cities like Minneapolis, where gangs of Black Lives Matter protesters attacked cars and burned buildings. And why not? The politicians in these cities watch their jurisdictions get attacked, and then they impotently bow down to demands from the bullies. Progressive mayor Jacob Frey campaigned on police reform (read: neutering law enforcement), but then got booed by shrieking crowds in 2020 when he said he didn’t want to abolish the entire police force.

Liberals never learn. Current Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party County Attorney Mary Moriarty has her Zoom game face on to talk about how those terrible conservatives are convincing people to be afraid of violence:

You’ve got to listen. Let us whet your appetite. Here’s the very first statement in the clip:

“There is a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime.”

Huh. You’d have thought that just being human was enough to make people fear getting robbed or beaten, but apparently it’s all the fault of those dastardly conservatives. Moriarty goes on to establish her woke-and-aware-white-lady cred by harping on “super predators,” a term from the 1990s that we’re all supposed to view now as a “dog whistle for racism.”

She even does the classic reversal of talking about “black youth” who are “at risk” because they’re “involved in behaviors we would wish they weren’t, but we kind of understand why they are.” Just to be clear, she’s talking about the perpetrators of violent crime as if they were the real victims. Seems to us their targets are the ones “at risk.”

X users aren’t having it. HarmlessPirateRadio takes the sarcastic approach:

User Anti-Woke Memes tells the story in a picture:

Paul here is shocked; we feel you, Paul.

Jay’V makes a serious point:

We’ll give the last world to “AC.” And it’s something everyone should take on board. The reversal of obvious truth is the surest indication that you’re dealing with untrustworthy and dangerous people.

What about you, WokeSpy readers? Which Very Bad Conservative taught you to be afraid of crime?

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