Media Matters Meltdown: Far-Left Smear Machine Starts Laying Off Staff

The hard-left smear machine “Media Matters” is getting a taste of its own cancellation medicine, and its employees don’t like it one little bit. Media Matters presents itself as a watchdog over right-wing media and public figures, but acts more like a propaganda company dedicated to ruining their political opposition by any means necessary.

The company announced it had to lay off at least a dozen staff May 24, and it’s blaming that on X (Twitter) owner Elon Musk. Last fall Musk sued Media Matters, claiming the company deliberately made up a “report” to scare advertisers away from buying space on X. The suit accuses Media Matters of manipulating X’s algorithm to make it appear that mainstream advertisers spots were appearing next to “racist” or “Nazi” content from platform users, when in fact they were not.

My, how the worm has turned. Media Matters makes its money by dishonestly targeting conservative commentators to make them appear dangerous and insane. One of their favorites is Daily Wire host Matt Walsh, who jokingly calls himself a theocratic fascist dictator. Media Matters pretends to take his obviously sarcastic and satirical seriously. Here’s just a small sample :

The author, transgender writer Ari Drennen, is now (to the amusement of millions) among those also identifying as unemployed.

Some of Media Matters’ favorite targets are having great fun rubbing salt in the wound. The Babylon Bee’s Kyle Mann:

Musk himself couldn’t help but laugh too:

Another now-unemployed crusader, Media Matters’ chief anti-Israel and anti-Tucker Carlson voice Kat Abu, is having a very bad day too:

Last year Kat Abu was crowing about Fox News firing Tucker Carlson:

And it looks like the general public on X isn’t too sympathetic, either:

3 thoughts on “Media Matters Meltdown: Far-Left Smear Machine Starts Laying Off Staff”

  1. I wonder how much of it actually has to do with the lawsuit versus how much of it is simply a result of a crumbling business model in an era of high inflation and high interest rates caused by the president they supported. Either way, they are simply suffering the consequences of acting like total butt wads. You can’t celebrate the firing of your opponents and not expect your opponents to celebrate the same when it happens to you. For years, conservatives argued that we should not be going after people’s jobs and livelihoods simply because of philosophical disagreements. The progressives basically told conservatives to shove it and continued to go after their jobs. Conservatives continued to demand decorum, but eventually what goes around comes around. Turns out conservatives are better at lawmaker and getting people fired then progressives. The rebalancing has begun.

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