Mainstream Media Helps Kamala Harris Change Anti-Fracking Stance

Historical fracking-objector Kamala Harris has pledged not to ban the oil drilling practice amid criticism from the Republican Party.

The Vice President and Democratic Party presumptive nominee has long opposed fracking, going as far to say in 2019 that there was “no question” about her stance.

However, with Harris heavily relying on swing states in order to beat GOP nominee and former president Donald Trump, the Democrat has shifted her tune.

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” she told a CNN Town Hall in 2019, adding that she had a “history of working on this issue” in California.

Harris’ anti-fracking viewpoint has stretched beyond presidential ambitions, however. In the same year, she cosponsored the Green New Deal – a climate change proposal which included a ban on fracking.

“Climate change is real, and it poses an existential threat to us as human beings, and it is within our power to do something about it,” Harris said while on her first campaign trial. “I am supporting the Green New Deal.”

As the media continues to purge previous criticism of Harris, Politico declared her anti-fracking stance as “allegations” and “accusations.”

It’s amazing how the strategy of the Harris campaign and her media enablers is to pretend she hasn’t said anything she’s ever said in the past?

Even the best political spin doctor will struggle to describe something as an “allegation” when there’s video evidence of the presidential candidate making that exact claim…

Others on social media were critical of the publication.

Vice President Harris is yet to be confirmed as the Democratic Party’s nominee – a process which is all-but certain to take place at August’s Democratic National Convention.

2 thoughts on “Mainstream Media Helps Kamala Harris Change Anti-Fracking Stance”

  1. Banning fracking is insane. She is a dangerous idiot. I did some digging and using 2024 fed gov numbers, 43% of our electricity is generated from natural gas. 77% of natural gas is derived from fracking. So, about 33% of our electricity is generated from fracked natural gas. If that 33% is removed from the grid there will be an astounding financial and social collapse. She is crazy and wants millions of innocent people to die.

  2. Gilbertson John

    It doesn’t matter what the media says everyone does remember what she really is and that she is doing what all phony politicians do and that is say anything to get elected , the fact that she was behind Joe Biden on everything the last three years proves to us all that what the media says and what she says is utter bullsh*t and we all know it this flip flop everyone sees through it except those who are blind and will vote for her regardless because the everyday person the truth and another thing is that what about all the progressive voters won’t they feel betrayed and swing their vote to Robert Kennedy Jr . Because he is against fracking and has simalar policies except he isn’t a phony and I believe he is an honest liberal where she is a Marxist dangerous person and most democrats will vote Kennedy she hadn’t a chance if the election is run without fraud

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