LA Times Columnist Blames GOP For California’s Problems

A column in the Los Angeles Times which sought to blame California’s recurring problems on the Republican Party was subject to widespread ridicule – which is truly the only response.

Penned by long-term LA Times columnist Steve Lopez, the article titled, “They say Democrats are to blame for all California’s problems. But GOP is MIA [Missing in Action]” cited the Republicans’ poor showing in the Golden State as a contributing factor to ongoing issues.

After a short history lesson from the California native, Lopez claims the decades-long homelessness crisis dating back to Ronald Reagan’s Governorship of the state (it doesn’t). Acknowledging that the Democrats have effectively controlled the state since the 1990s (actor Arnold Schwarzenegger being the last Republican to hold a statewide office in January 2011), Lopez proceeds to blame the GOP for allowing the Democrats into power.

“None of them [GOP candidates] has offered winning solutions to deep-seated problems, and it might be too late for a party resurgence because as the electorate has grown more diverse, GOP voter registration has dwindled to roughly 25%,” writes Lopez. “You can’t blame Democrats for that.”

So let’s try to follow this. Lopez is a leftist doesn’t like Republicans, but blames them for not having enough power to enact their policies to fix things… which Lopez opposes and doesn’t actually think will fix anything. And Lopez himself will continue voting Democrat, further denying Republicans and additional control in California, which further implodes his own arguments.

It’s an interesting perspective, but one which seems desperate to blame the GOP. While Proposition 187 may have turned California’s Latino and Asian American population against the Republican Party, the Democrats have enjoyed some 30 years to address the issues within the state which only seem to be getting worse rather than better.

Another user summarized the article perfectly.

5 thoughts on “LA Times Columnist Blames GOP For California’s Problems”

  1. Thank you for penning that. More of this needs to happen. Those that cause chaos want to blame those that would otherwise control it, but it’s impossible because a state keeps voting the same way expecting different results.

  2. Suffering Californian

    That rag of a newspaper should change its name from the LA Times to the LA Gaslight after this sad excuse for journalism.

  3. We left California, my entire family. We sold our 3700 square foot house, sold what we could and left. That was HARD for us. There is only ONE political party there and it is corrupt. They cheat on every election. There is NO justice there now. Crime is everywhere. It is Godless and immoral. I am not the fault. You are!

  4. The California state Senate has been under the control of the democrats continuously since 1970 that’s 54 years. The California state Assembly has been under the democrats control ,for the same length of time with the exception of one year in the early 1990’s that’s 53 years. Maybe they should try some different policies.

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