Joy Reid Is Upset That Donald Trump Wants To End Anti-White Racism

MSNBC broadcaster Joy Reid is renowned for her level-headed politically neutral stances and her advocacy of a united political future where differences can be settled with calm, rational debate.

Just kidding!

Reid has come under fire in recent months with her lengthy TikTok rants even attracting the attention of X owner Elon Musk.

On Wednesday, August 14, Reid continued with her divisive rhetoric in a segment called “Project 2025 Exposed: The Plot to Undermine Black Farmers.” Fewer than 2% of farmers are African-American, far below their share of the U.S. population (at 13%).

“In Project 2025, folks like [Stephen] Miller, [J.D.] Vance, and [Donald] Trump want to nationalize their long-term goal of putting a stop to what they call anti-White racism,” she said on her broadcast. “It’s just another way of saying, ‘we’re sick of America being held accountable for actual racism.’”

The difference between anti-White racism and “actual” racism remains unclear.

“Under Project 2025, the Department of Justice would play the central role in executing their national policy of reversing racial progress,” Reid continued, further fearmongering about a “Project” that Trump has distanced himself from and never had any affiliation with. “They would force the DoJ’s civil rights division – which is responsible for enforcing federal statutes that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin – to refocus, moving away from what they call affirmative discrimination, and ensure lawfulness, which essentially means protecting the people who’ve had access and opportunity all along.”

Needless to say, social media saw through Reid’s race-baiting rant, and offered their own perspectives instead.

Others noted that ending racism is only bad if you career depends on its existence.

4 thoughts on “Joy Reid Is Upset That Donald Trump Wants To End Anti-White Racism”

  1. Good to know we can all count on Joy Reid to keep racism against whites alive and well. Joy is anything but joy-ful.

  2. Well joyless if we use population percentages as the metric shouldn’t we reduce the number of African Americans in the NFL, NBA and WNBA to 13%?

  3. What disappoints me is the folks that are most affected by racists are the ones she preaches against; the innocent people she claims are the victims are (her victims).

    She sets up a straw man and some are fooled by her claims. They spend so many hours, days and months in misery before finding out how full of crap she is.

    Joy Reid is threatened by folks who realize how far we have come as a nation in rejecting racism and bigotry.

    She uses the Obama tactic of never letting a disaster go to waste. She amplifies any case of racially motivated behavior and then tries to exaggerate it into a nationwide problem, not the evil of a single individual. Are there racists in our nation? YES
    Are all Americans Racist NO!

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