Facebook Apologizes After Censoring Iconic Donald Trump Photograph

An instantly iconic photograph took social media by storm in the wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Moments after being shot at a rally in Butler, PA, the former president raised his fist and yelled “Fight! Fight! Fight!” towards supporters.

A close-up taken by Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci captured the moment of a bloodied, defiant Trump standing up for democracy.

However, the powers-that-be at Facebook are now trying to dispute its existence entirely. One user who shared the photo immediately after the shooting on Saturday, July 13, found that it had been flagged as “false information.”

The Mark Zuckerberg-owned social media platform warned that those “who regularly share false information may have their posts moved lower” in the news feeds of other users, thus meaning “other people are less likely to see them”.

Many users described the notice as “election interference” by the Meta-operated site (which is nothing new for them).

Others presented a less favorable perception of the platform.

Another user called for a boycott.

Meta Public Affairs Director Dani Lever later apologized for “error.”

“This fact check was initially applied to a doctored photo showing the secret service agents smiling, and in some cases our systems incorrectly applied that fact check to the real photo,” she said in a statement. “This has been fixed and we apologize for the mistake.”

Are you buying it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Facebook Apologizes After Censoring Iconic Donald Trump Photograph”

  1. When all “errors” “mistakes” and “Problems With the Algorithm” only go ONE WAY, they are neither errors, mistakes or problems with the altgorithm.

  2. Anyone who doesn’t know that Meta is a mass employer of deepstate personnel has the national security IQ of a rutabaga. For this off-the-books favor, the deepstate allows Meta to continue with its illegal data collection practices, so long as it shares all pertinent data with the deepstate, and is free to sell the remainder for off-the-books profits that share holders never see, but many ‘blue’ PACs benefit from through the laundering process. Ain’t wild ‘conspiracy theory’, tis fact. As simple as ‘reverse engineer’ the $$ trail, and billions can be traced back to the Zuck/Meta cash pool. But the deepstate is all protecting of it’s own off the books cash pool that is also supplemented from the scum family, hence no Zuck/Meta grand juries.

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