CNN Goes Into Absolute Meltdown Over Mispronunciation Of “Kamala”

Often times, a name can be pronounced multiple ways.

Just ask David Bowie, or Rihanna, or Ariana Grande, to name a few – tomato tomato.

Kamala Harris’ first name is no exception. The Vice President herself pronounces her name as “Kahm-a-lah”, and that’s how most of her supporters pronounce it too.

It’s not insulting, and it’s not naivety either to pronounce it slightly differently. Different people pronounce words differently, particularly when the subject in question is absent from the media landscape… but on CNN pronunciation is apparently proof of white supremacy and risks bringing back the era of Jim Crow.

No – really. That’s how insane these people are.

As Representative Nancy Mace repeatedly said Kamala’s name, insufferable Democratic strategist Keith Boykin condescendingly responded, “You had it right. You almost got it.”

“I will say Kamala’s name any way that I want to,” shot back Mace, as tension began to rise.

Notorious race baiter and Thesaurus enthusiast Michael Eric Dyson then chimed in to try to correct her, with Mace replying “I just did [supposedly mispronounce her name] and I’ll do it again.” Boykin then also tried to berate Mace and Dyson hysterically “informed” Mace that “You’re normalizing that kind of viciousness, man. You’re disrespecting the woman.”

Later, Dyson attempted to pretend he wasn’t calling Mace racist while accusing her of not caring about the humanity of black people because she mispronounced a name. “This congresswoman is a wonderful human being,” said Dyson. “But when you disrespect Kamala Harris by saying you will call her whatever you want, I know you don’t intend it to be that way, that’s the history and legacy of white disregard for the humanity of Black people.”

And he’s dead serious.

Check out the hysteria for yourself below:

Ranting, screeching, screaming, yelling – all over a slight mispronunciation. Don’t forget, of course, the unhinged accusation of racism.

CNN, everybody.

Hopefully they’ll take their concerns to the White House…

6 thoughts on “CNN Goes Into Absolute Meltdown Over Mispronunciation Of “Kamala””

  1. Better for Democrats to argue on pronuncing Kamala’s name than focus on her accomplishments and voting record.
    Kamala Harris is a vacuous, lobotomized, shallow, inauthentic imbecile. She knows nothing. She has achieved nothing. She has used every non-meritocratic tool to climb in politics. She is a racist, she is divisive, and she promotes the cancer of diversity, equity, and inclusion. – Gad Saad

  2. Look it up on YouTube when “Kamm-ill-ah” lands in Cleveland at the airport in 2020, greets the crowd and pronounces her name accordingly. “Hello Cleveland. It’s Kamm-ill-ah”.

  3. But…Kah-Mala isn’t a black woman. She’s Indian. Why would you disrespect an Indian woman by saying she’s Black?

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