Previous comments by Vice President Kamala Harris have come under scrutiny since her de facto nomination as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate for November’s election.
Harris rose through the ranks in the Democratic stronghold of California. Before becoming a Senator for the state in 2017, she was formerly Attorney General of the state, and previously District Attorney of San Francisco.
Prior to taking on the role of DA in 2004, Harris gave an interview to Google where she discussed the “power” she held in her role as a prosecutor.
She explained to the audience how she could destroy people by creating fictitious offenses and forcing people to fight them, only to later drop the charges’ “You know the power I have as a prosecutor is that with a swipe of my pen, I can charge someone with a misdemeanor – the lowest level of offence possible – and by virtue of that swipe of my pen you will have to go to a courthouse and stand in line; you will have to come out of pocket and hire an attorney; you may get arrested for a few hours; you will be embarrassed in your community; you will miss time from coming onto the Google campus – all because of the swipe of my pen,” she said at a sit-down interview. “I’ve tried charging you with a crime, which I may choose to dismiss two weeks later. It’s an incredible amount of power.”
Some on social media saw comparisons with the prosecution attempts against Republican rival Donald Trump.

Another user noted that she may take this approach should she win the election.

What’s your view? Watch the clip below and be sure to let us know in the comments.