Author name: Alec Johnson

Big Cities, LGBTQ+, Polling

San Fran Mayor London Breed Is Falling Down Over Drag Queens

You have to see and hear it to believe it. Some night see this article as highlighting the lunatic fringe… but it’s actually the mainstream left at this point. Take a gander at this clip from a recent mayoral candidate debate in San Francisco.

Mayor and candidate London Breed asks candidate Mark Farrell to show his fealty to the cult of LGBTQ+ by naming three drag queens from the city to prove his “street cred” in supporting the LGBTQ+ community.  

Apparently, this is the second time in as many weeks that Breed tried to corner Farrell for insufficient enthusiasm about men in dresses. At the first mayoral debate the week prior, Farrell “couldn’t” name his favorite San Francisco drag queen. Their names are so absurd he probably could’ve said anything, like “Sister Princess,” and it would’ve been believable. And for anyone who doesn’t believe me, there’s a drag queen named “Sister Gay Bitch Milkshake” – so yes, anything really would do.

At the second debate, Breed said, “You were at the debate last week and couldn’t name any drag queens on your own.” She then offered Farrell a “chance to redeem” himself by naming three “LGBTQ advisors for [his] campaign,” and then three drag queens from the city by the bay.

Farrell responded predictably by trying to burnish his LGBTQ credits. Farrell said he, a straight white male, put forward city legislation to reimburse gay couples who were taxed by the federal government on their health insurance benefits. “I’m incredibly proud of the support I have from our LGBTQ community,” he said.

You have to feel for a candidate like Farrell a little, even if you’re watching the performance with secondhand embarrassment. No one who wants to get elected in a place like that has much choice but to kowtow to the “queer” community. But do you have to say things like “I’m super pro-LGBTQ,” Mark? As the kids say, “cringe.”

Twitter/X users, of course, have no such loyalty.

Paul questions mayor Breed’s priorities:

User Alan Sea got a laugh out of this writer:

Maybe Farrell should hire J. Perry to write his speeches—Perry sounds like a crowd-pleaser!

Admitted: we’re closing with this one just because it’s naughty.

LGBTQ+, Sports

Common Sense Returns: Man Disqualified from Women’s Olympic Swimming

Gays Against Groomers is a fairly new organization made up of homosexuals who push back against modern gender ideology. They don’t want to see children psychologically and physically abused by the deranged idea that they can be born in the wrong body and “fixed” by mutilating surgery.

GAG has been on top of breaking developments in what we might call the Gender Wars. “Lia” Thomas is one of those.

Thomas, whose real name is William, has been masquerading as a woman for several years. A mediocre swimmer in the men’s division, Thomas decided to put on a ladies’ one-piece swimsuit and compete in his “true” gender. He’s “won” swim meet after swim meet, taking prizes away from the women who rightly won them. Amazingly, the NCAA nominated him for a “woman of the year” award.

See if you can spot the male in this picture of “Lia”:

Will’s dreams of grift are coming to an end, though. Courtesy GAG:

A series of decisions from inter-sports courts has ruled that Will cannot compete as a woman, and this has disqualified him from competing in the upcoming Olympics as a female (because he’s not one).

It’s astonishing how long this make-believe farce has gone on. Who could have predicted we’d live in an age when men simply declare that they are women, and the world goes along with it as if it weren’t insane?

The recent ruling against Will Thomas is giving people hope that the magical spell of “gender” might be close to breaking:

“Phantammeron” asks the obvious question:

User Kyle Schumman points out what we all suspect is the real motivation behind cheats like Thomas:

“Bunny” points out that Thomas does not deserve to keep the trophies he “won.”

Of course, there are always trans-identified people who get very angry when someone points out that the emperor is naked:

Do you think the transgender craze is coming to an end? Tell us in the comments what you think the future holds for this loony agenda!


Would Mr. Rogers Be Canceled Today? This Resurfaced Clip Suggests So

Wokespy can reveal that beloved children’s television star Fred Rogers has a secret history of blatant transphobia and misgendering. Going viral is an unearthed clip of Mr. Rogers causing direct harm to gender-non-conforming children with a shocking tirade of heteronormative dog whistles.

And by “blatant transphobia,” “misgendering,”and a “shocking tirade of hetronormative dog whistles,” we mean “common sense.”

Watch for yourself:

In an era where seemingly no one is safe from cancel culture, how insane is it that even Mr. Rogers wouldn’t be exempt if he were alive today? (Hopefully too many liberals don’t see the above clip, or they’ll give cancelation a try regardless!)

Rogers, who would be under scrutiny for his status as a Presbyterian minister by leftists today, can be seen and heard on camera using supposedly “outdated terms and concepts” (to crazy people) as he talks directly to children. Or as a leftist might put it; using a television sound stage designed to appeal to kids through toys and an indoor trolley train, Rogers masks his bigoted gender gatekeeping behind a mild-mannered tone.

For any liberals reading this, consider this your “content warning” (for anyone out of the loop, the original term “trigger warnings” has been deemed triggering to victims of gun violence – I wish I was making this up). Here an unfiltered transcription of the biological reali—errr-transphobia their children may face if exposed to Rogers and his “neighborhood.”

Set to a musical accompaniment, the be-sweatered preacher sing-speaks the following statements:

“Boys are boys from the beginning”

“If you were born a boy you stay a boy”

“Girls are girls right from the start; if you were born a girl, you stay a girl and grow up to be a lady”

He then states, in comments that leftists would consider misogyny and binary gender-policing: “Only girls can be the mommy, and only boys can be the daddy.”

Reaction on X/Twitter was on the side of common sense – but maybe that’s just because not enough leftists had seen the video yet.

Wokespy contacted Rogers for comment, but the cemetery did not immediately return calls.


Minneapolis Prosecutor Thinks Conservatives Make People Fear Crime

We all know the leftist progression:

“That’s not happening.”
“That’s only happening in rare circumstances.”
“That’s happening but why is it such a big deal to you?””
“That’s happening and it’s a really good thing!”

You find its greatest concentration in blue cities like Minneapolis, where gangs of Black Lives Matter protesters attacked cars and burned buildings. And why not? The politicians in these cities watch their jurisdictions get attacked, and then they impotently bow down to demands from the bullies. Progressive mayor Jacob Frey campaigned on police reform (read: neutering law enforcement), but then got booed by shrieking crowds in 2020 when he said he didn’t want to abolish the entire police force.

Liberals never learn. Current Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party County Attorney Mary Moriarty has her Zoom game face on to talk about how those terrible conservatives are convincing people to be afraid of violence:

You’ve got to listen. Let us whet your appetite. Here’s the very first statement in the clip:

“There is a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime.”

Huh. You’d have thought that just being human was enough to make people fear getting robbed or beaten, but apparently it’s all the fault of those dastardly conservatives. Moriarty goes on to establish her woke-and-aware-white-lady cred by harping on “super predators,” a term from the 1990s that we’re all supposed to view now as a “dog whistle for racism.”

She even does the classic reversal of talking about “black youth” who are “at risk” because they’re “involved in behaviors we would wish they weren’t, but we kind of understand why they are.” Just to be clear, she’s talking about the perpetrators of violent crime as if they were the real victims. Seems to us their targets are the ones “at risk.”

X users aren’t having it. HarmlessPirateRadio takes the sarcastic approach:

User Anti-Woke Memes tells the story in a picture:

Paul here is shocked; we feel you, Paul.

Jay’V makes a serious point:

We’ll give the last world to “AC.” And it’s something everyone should take on board. The reversal of obvious truth is the surest indication that you’re dealing with untrustworthy and dangerous people.

What about you, WokeSpy readers? Which Very Bad Conservative taught you to be afraid of crime?

Left-wing extremism

Eating Their Own: Woke Leftist Calls for Canceling Dylan Mulvaney for Not Supporting Women in Palestine

Leftist infighting is really kicking off lately. Democrats are at each other’s throats over Israel versus Hamas, whether men can be women, and, well, both!

LibsofTikTok found a video with over 10 million views of a very wound-up young woman from the UK who goes by the screename “kimberlyoffline.” She’s is furious at Dylan Mulvaney for failing to live up to proper womanly sisterhood – but not for any reasons anyone on the right would give (as we realize that’s impossible of course).

In addition to making her eyes as dramatic as possible, Kimberly is concerned with the ways in which Mulvaney is failing to “woman” properly. While expressing glee that people are finally trying to cancel Mulvaney, she then complains complaining that “this woman” (referring to Dylan) is like, a TOTAL hypocrite because “she” hasn’t said anything about the poor women in Palestine who have to use “scraps of tent” to deal with their periods. No, I’m not joking—watch for yourself!

For anyone out of the loop, Mulvaney has become famous for coming out as a “transgender woman” and launching an online series called ” 365 Days of Girlhood.” Starting out as an actor on stage, just four years ago Mulvaney was playing a character in the wildly popular Book of Mormon, the satirical musical by the creators of the cartoon South Park. Others may simply know him as the man who single handedly destroyed Bud Light.

Contrary to what this TikToker is saying, Mulvaney actually does donate all his profits from his Cameo videos to Save the Children, a Palestinian charity. Or as those in the sane world would frame it, Mulvaney donating to a nation that would have him killed for his lifestyle.

While Mulvaney has been a darling of the left, the left inevitably always eats their own eventually.

Naughty Ricky!

Based, electrician!

Mike Dodge thinks Kimberly is confused.

User Ovan Elric gets to the part that had us rolling our eyes. Wackadoodle lefties are so committed to their fairy tales that Kimberley can’t bring herself to acknowledge what everyone knows is true:

And there’s an Office meme for everything:

We have to give it to Dylan; he really puts the “shim” back in shimmy.


Fact Checkers Assemble to Assure American Public Biden Didn’t Poop His Pants

Oh lord. Being a writer for WokeSpy can make a person spiral into confusion. Are we writing about something real, about a parody, or about a parody of a parody?

It’s 2024, which means we have to ask if the president of the United States pooped his pants or not. As much as it irritates the woke media, it is (sadly) a legitimate question.

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the massive Allied invasion of Normandy during WWII, President Joe Biden joined other leaders to pay tribute to the soldiers who fought and died.

Unfortunately, Biden’s advanced age and difficulty was quite evident during the ceremony. When it came time to sit down on the stage, the president bent forward and appeared to be half-squatting for several seconds. He gave the appearance of not knowing where he was, and not knowing whether he was supposed to sit.

Roseanne Barr joined Benny Johnson’s podcast and she appears to be sold on the idea.

We at WokeSpy haven’t jumped on the “he pooped his pants” bandwagon that started immediately on the right. It’s much more likely that he was confused about where his chair might be. But fair is fair: you can make an argument that he might have. Sad as it may be, Biden’s obvious age-related difficulties are apparent to any observer.

The Daily Beast is big mad about it, and they blame all the joking and speculating on “MAGA trolls.”

“This video shows Biden did not—in fact—poop himself in France.” Oh, dear.

Some games are better sat out; this one is not going well for The Daily Beast on X. There are several humor accounts that reliably pop up with salty commentary on the politics of the day, and two of our favorites didn’t let us down. 

This user echoed Roseanne Barr’s joke linked above.

User “WokeGPT” ramped it up.

“AdamInHTownTX” inconveniently drew attention to First Lady Jill Biden’s needing to whisper instructions to the president before guiding him off the stage.

Grimly, we do have a president in obvious age-related decline, and lefties might worry a bit more about the fact that the rest of the world is laughing at us instead of trying to humor-police fed-up Americans.

Left-wing extremism

Heckled Harris: Leftist Banshees Call Veep a Murderer at Kimmel Taping

What would we do without Libs of TikTok? The account run by Chaya Raichik brings to light some of the most disturbing excesses of the modern left: gender ideology for children, violent men in women’s prisons and spaces, racist indoctrination of public school students, and more.

But LoTT also brings a chance for comic relief, like this video taken from the studio audience at a recent recording of Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night show. Hold up—I know you’re already laughing at the mere sight of Vice President Kamala Harris but it gets better!

What we get is more than three minutes of hard-left women shrieking in cracked voices at Harris over “genocide.” The first harpy in the clip screams “15,000 children dead because of you!”

“You’re a murderer!” yells another.

The banshees got even more aggressive when onsite security tried to arrest them for disrupting the broadcast. With the now-familiar cri-du-Karen, the women told the guards they were not, in fact, under arrest, that they didn’t have to show ID, and that they were not to be touched. And then they physically attacked the security guard. To be fair, it’s not clear that security guards had the authority to arrest them, but this type would resist legitimate arrest anyway.

The left’s schism over the Israel-Hamas war was not on this writer’s 2024 bingo card, and it’s ugly. But at least there’s an opportunity for schadenfreude. Social media users are taking opposite sides on the actual issue, but one thing that unites them is the fun of the spectacle.

 Disgraced Republican congressman George Santos who is totally-not-a-drag-queen is feeling it.

User Emergent Perspective reminds us that memes can say so much.

Maybe someone wants to buy this dude a beer for humorous truth-telling.

Jessenia asks a question we’re afraid we can’t answer.

Be sure to watch the video all the way through to watch the crowd of roly-poly rainbow-haired leftists screeching “from the river to the sea” outside the studio building.

Big Cities

Nashville Shoppers Barricade Burglars While Police Dawdle

It’s getting hard not to notice the decline in decent behavior. Drivers are running red lights, children shout expletives on the streets, and store staff are surly and hostile. But it’s more than manners—brazen crime is the order of the day in more and more of America.

We’ve heard about “teen takeovers” where groups of aggressive teenagers smash windows and jump on cars, shutting down streets. A group of teen thugs beat up a couple in Chicago on May 31, causing the pregnant woman to miscarry; at least one of them shouted “we own the streets.”

Worst of all, America still has not shaken off the deranged idea of defunding the police. It’s like campaigning for fire safety by pushing city councils to remove fire hydrants and ban firefighters from carrying hoses.

People will only take so much theft and violence before they start taking matters into their own hands. Prolific Twitter/X user Collin Rugg who owns served up this story out of Nashville, Tennessee.

The video shows a group of ordinary shoppers keeping a posse of burglars trapped inside a Perfumania store after the four tried to make off with hundreds of dollars’ worth of stolen merchandise.

The text on the video tells viewers that the video-taker’s son was shopping when the burglars busted in. A group of adults and at least one child can be seen blocking the front door when the thieves try to exit.

The video claims it took police a half-hour to show up. Well, at least they showed up. In California, they made shoplifting less than $950 an optional misdemeanor (it used to be a felony), and Golden State residents say you’re lucky to get a police response at all.

Collin used the fire emoji and said “love this” about the citizen cops. Plenty of other X users felt the same.

In good times, most people don’t like the idea of vigilante justice, but hard times move people to look for solutions they wouldn’t consider otherwise. User Marc points out that we all pay for theft through higher prices, and folks are sick of paying taxes for police departments that can’t get the job done.

“One Bad Dude” lays down some truth in the thread (if you doubt it, read up on what’s happening to Daniel Penny).

What would you do if you were watching the shoplifting? Jump in with your fellow citizens, or call the cops? Tell us in the comments.

National Affairs

Republican Rep. Maria Salazar Pushes Amnesty by Another Name

GOP Representative Maria Salazar of Florida’s 24th Congressional District is pushing a new immigration bill that looks just like another Trojan Horse.

The so-called “Dignity Act of 2023” (the date is not a typo) increases funding for border security and border patrol agents, but at a cost. That cost? Giving 11 million illegal aliens “permanently renewable legal status.” These millions who broke the law will be able work, travel, and do just about everything else legally. Why not reward their criminality even more by just making them citizens?

Daily Caller national correspondent Henry Rogers is skeptical.

Notice something else, too: the framing and naming of the bill. Why is it that even Republicans believe they have to accept the left’s demand to put “marginalized” groups—including illegals—before America’s own interests and citizens? It’s like when alleged conservatives spend 75 percent of their speeches on “of course, we know that anti-black racism is terrible, and must be stopped” rhetoric before they’ll allow themselves to say “boo” about the real widespread and socially accepted racism (bigotry and discrimination against white people).

Some users on Twitter are not at all happy with Salazar’s bill; they’re highlighting what a massive capitulation it is:


The idea of blanket amnesty for people who broke the law and jumped the border isn’t going over too well.

Illinois Democratic Rep. Eric Sorensen really likes the bill, though!

The “only” bipartisan solution is total surrender? User KeepTheFaith has some pretty obvious advice.

But as usual, the narrative has been set, and politicians are obviously (literally) reading from a prepared script with approved phrases. Notice anything familiar in this description of the bill from Michigan’s Hillary Scholten?

Again, it’s the “only” way forward.

Wokespy readers: pretend you live in a country where citizen desires mattered to politicians. What would you want to see in an immigration bill? Tell us in the comments!

Left-wing extremism

Canadian Senator Becomes Living Meme To Promote Underage Voting

It had to happen, and it finally did. You know this meme. Everyone knows it. On an episode of the sitcom 30 Rock, middle-aged Steve Buscemi dresses like a teenaged skater boy to camouflage himself among high school students. He approaches a group of students and says, “How do you do, fellow kids?”

It’s become one of the most popular memes because it perfectly captures the awkward embarrassment of watching mom or dad try to be “down with the youth.”

One Canadian Senator apparently didn’t get the joke. Bernadette Clement of the province of Ontario acted it out on the floor of the legislature during a speech in support of allowing citizens younger than 18 to vote in elections. In case you didn’t know, that’s the latest leftist crusade, but don’t worry it’s absolutely nothing like past collectivist movements.

Here’s Senator Clement explaining the legislation in… “youth-speak”? Watch below if you’re ready to cringe:

She starts out speaking to “honourable fam.” She says “waiting until 18 to vote is a big yikes.” The youth brown-nosing continues as she describes teens as a group who “slays” and “stays bussin’”. That’s black American slang for “excellent,” apparently, or something.

As the young say, Clement’s performance is so “cringe” this writer can’t bear to transcribe any more for you, so you’ll have to watch it for yourself.

Let’s see what the internet had to say!

Clement’s pitch had the opposite effect on this user:

One MAGA user unkindly put it this way:

He has a point, we think.

User Roberto asks about the next logical step:

Sure, political moves like this are “funny” in a “I saw this mad thing online” kind of way, but this is actually a quite serious issue. User Johnny B. Goode says what leftists love to call “exaggeration,” but we’ve seen enough to think he’s right.

What say you about the voting age? 16? 12? Third trimester? Tell us below!

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