Things we never dreamed could even be imagined as satire are now part of “normal” in 21st century Western culture. We are to affirm that we believe men can be women. We are supposed to see the chemical and physical mutilation of children as “care.”
These are the most extreme expressions of our out-of-control narcissistic culture, but how did we get here? Slowly, drip by drip, so slowly that we barely noticed it as each step was taken.
Many of us remember watching Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood when they were new shows in the 70s. The brands became synonymous with the concept of wholesome, child-focused entertainment. And then came woke. Sesame Street introduced its first “non-binary” character (so-called “non-binary” people claim they are neither men nor women) and got glowing coverage for its efforts to confuse children.
Children’s show Blues Clues jumped on the woke train too, introducing the highly sexual ideas of “LGBTQ” to toddlers with a cartoon drag queen urging the kids to go march in parades.
It is no surprise, then, that children’s channel Nickelodeon is no longer safe for under 18s to watch – watch below to see it for yourself.
It’s now normal for a grossly obese man to put on Disney villainess makeup and croon to preschoolers about having “pride” about what “you are on the inside.” It shouldn’t be normal, but it is. And it’s no good saying, “Hey, I don’t think it’s normal!” Enough of society believes that blatant sexualized grooming of children on trusted children’s television is normal that that’s what we have every day.
Thankfully, a number of X/Twitter users don’t think it’s OK.
Paul asks a good question about the children’s network that has long been tainted by scandal.

Juanita shouldn’t have to say this, but thank goodness she did.

Adam reminds us that the worst thing that used to happen to kids on Nickelodeon was a bucket of green slime over the head on game shows.

Redwave Press thinks it’s about time Nickelodeon got the same comeuppance that Disney (another child grooming outlet) is starting to experience.

May Leisha’s prediction come true sooner rather than later.