Can You Spot The Problem With This Video?

The rainbow flags have caused a stir throughout pride month, but it seems it’s not just America’s most Woke cities which are taking part.

Rainbow roads – once reserved for Mario Kart games – are now across the country, and the responses to their critics have been controversial to say the least. So far this month, a manhunt was launched in St Petersburg, FL, after a driver performed donuts on the city’s rainbow mural, while three teenagers in Washington were arrested for a similar protest against the pride flag.

The city of Fredericton in New Brunswick, Canada, has also joined the rainbowification with the city’s X account sharing footage of a road being redecorated. However, you may notice a problem…

Yup, that’s right! The city worker – donning the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on his helmet – had no paint on the roller.

The latest attempt to virtue signal undoubtedly was met with stark criticism, forcing the city into turning off replies and “hiding”’” those who had already commented, including one who paid tribute to the aforementioned protests.

Others noted the division the symbols caused, while questioning whether it was an essential use of taxpayer funds.

They are poignant points which carry over to the United States too. Not everyone agrees with the idea of pride month, even if they are happy to accept others for who they are.

Perhaps the Fredericton video highlights the problem: such murals are nothing more than the performance known as virtue signaling, and that’s what frustrates people most.

8 thoughts on “Can You Spot The Problem With This Video?”


    1. Define the person responsible and what law they violated, such as unauthorized expenditure of public funds.
    2. Sue the person or the government entity responsible.
    3. Vote out the government that allowed this to happen.
    4. Repeat for any other such nonsense.

  2. It seems that burning the American Flag is protected 1st A Speech. But doing donuts on a homo flag scam is a .. Felony ?? Take this to court and you will win !!!

    1. Why does everyone assume the image of a white roller producing color enhanced propaganda is an unintended oversight? I think such an obvious to spot error was intended, giving everyone a peek at their “True Agenda”: All whites must spew ” Gay Pride”. 2+2=5, Winston!

  3. They might as well add heterosexuals to the list and everyone will be included!!! I want my stripe to be the American flag

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