Atlantic Magazine Absurdly Accuses Trump of Deranged Racist Insult to Murdered Army Specialist

Sane people like to joke about Trump Derangement Syndrome, but the laughter always seems a bit like whistling past the graveyard. TDS is real. It may not show up in the official psychiatric literature, but there is no doubt that the fear and loathing of Donald Trump is so extreme for so much of the country that it can’t be described as anything but a mental delusion. 

How many families have been torn apart by the liberal wing calling the conservative wing fascist Hitler lovers? It’s impossible to tell, but it’s happening all over America. We’ve already seen several Americans pridefully recount to the media how they turned their own family members in for being at the Capitol on January 6. In quieter ways, desperate spouses are blogging anonymously about how their own wives and husbands allow others to insult their spouse for having conservative politics. 

The legacy liberal media, of course, is so far gone it seems impossible that we can ever sanity, let alone truth, from such institutions again. This week The Atlantic has published a story shocking—even by modern standards for liberal magazines—in its petty ugliness. 

Yes. The Atlantic is saying in effect “Trump is Hitler.” That’s nothing new for the media, of course, but it does raise the question: is there any limit at all to the level of hysteria and lying? Does anyone at any of these outlets pause for a moment to ask themselves if they’re contributing to the social atmosphere that provoked two assassination attempts on Donald Trump? Or, do they know they’re participating in that, and that’s why they’re doing it? 

Mind you, this is the same Jeffrey Goldberg who lied about Al Qaeda working with Saddam Hussein to drum up support for the Iraq War, pushed the hoax that Trump referred to dead servicemembers as “suckers and losers,” and helped hype the Russian collusion myth.

But it wasn’t Goldberg’s low blow at Trump that sparked the biggest debate; it was the magazine’s words about the aftermath and funeral of murdered US Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen. Guillen was murdered in 2020 after disappearing from Fort Hood where she was stationed. 

According to the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, Donald Trump, while president, questioned the cost of Guillen’s funeral and disparaged her by saying “it doesn’t cost $60,000 to bury a f—ing Mexican!” Obviously, it is simply not believable. But it’s also damned cruel. Vanessa Guillen’s sister immediately chimed in to refute the story, and added that she had voted for Trump earlier in the day.

It gets worse. The Atlantic’s article claims that Trump ordered his then chief of staff,  Mark Meadows, not to pay for Vanessa Guillen’s funeral. Meadows is denying this. 

Mark Esper also denied the story:

And practically everyone who could confirm or deny this story is doing the latter.

The above-mentioned lawyer, Natalie Khawam, excoriated Goldberg for deliberately lying about his conversation with her. “not only did he misrepresent our conversation but he outright LIED in HIS sensational story. More importantly, he used and exploited my clients, and Vanessa Guillen’s murder… for cheap political gain,” she wrote.

So, how could such shoddy journalism get published, and how does Goldberg never face consequences for his garbage reporting? Consider who is funding him:

Let’s sample the reaction to the story on X/Twitter. These posts are taken from a X thread started by Mayra Guillen, Vanessa’s sister. There are plenty of leftists there who appear to be taking pleasure in making Mayra’s grief worse. What these tweets represent is not “differing political opinions,” but leftist sadism. 

You can read the whole thread here. 

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