RFK Jr. Warned Democrats Against Rigging Elections, But They Just Wouldn’t Listen

In one of the most contentious months in modern American political history, the other shoe finally dropped for Democrats as President Joe Biden, racked with COVID and besieged by his own party, finally threw in the towel and withdrew his candidacy for re-election as President. 

While many have been caught up in the Democratic whirlwind since Biden’s atrocious debate performance which exposed Biden’s apparent cognitive decline, many astute political observers had been sounding the alarm that Biden may not make it to November, let alone another four years in office. 

Among those who can credibly say “I told you so” to the Democratic machine is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the Democrat-turned-independent candidate for President who had the temerity to primary Biden at a time when the DNC was more interested in a coronation rather than a competition. 

In an interview with Fox News, RFK Jr. recalls how, over a year ago, he was telling anyone who would listen how the DNC was rigging its own primary process: “[The DNC] changed sixty different rules to make it impossible for anyone to challenge Joe Biden. One of the things… that they did to me is – I’d been campaigning in New Hampshire, so they adopted a rule that said that any Democratic candidate who campaigns in New Hampshire – who steps foot into the state of New Hampshire… all of their delegates would go to the President. And, they shut down the Florida primary they shut down a bunch of primaries [and] just said “we’re not running them, we already have our candidate.”

Rigging primaries is nothing new for the DNC. Many will recall the DNC’s insidious use of “super-delegates,” a group of convention delegates who are seated automatically who, prior to 2018, were free to support any presidential candidate in all ballot rounds. These “super-delegates” spelled the downfall of Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential bid in 2016 who, despite performing well at the polls, could not overcome the hundreds of super-delegates who pledged their support to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before a single vote had been cast.  

“In other words, the establishment determined who the anointed candidate will be before the first voters got into the process,” Sanders told a clearly frustrated crowd back in May of 2016

Today, the means may have changed, but the motive remains the same. 

True to form, the DNC is now contemplating convention rules that would help drag Vice President Kamala Harris, the new establishment consensus pick to be the party’s standard bearer, across the finish line. While most of the party, including the Clintons and several prominent elected officials, line up behind Harris (who inherits the Biden-Harris coffers – and the $90 million within them – and the Biden-Harris national campaign apparatus) several key Democrats have yet to signal their support, including the Obama family, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Perhaps their hesitancy stems from Harris’s atrocious presidential campaign in 2020, where she failed to earn a single delegate. 

While all that is out in the ether remains speculative, what we do know is that RFK, Jr. is, once again, warning everyone of the DNC’s second attempt to rig the 2024 election. “The indication now… is that the party elites won’t let go of the process,” RFK, Jr. said.  

He would know. RFK, Jr. readily recalls the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago, where the incumbent Democrat refused the nomination, where an assassin tragically changed the trajectory of the race by killing his father, and where Democrats had no nominee. What resulted was a rancorous, riotous affair that left a very negative impression on the American public. 

History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes, as Democrats face similar prospects heading back to a Chicago convention in a few weeks time with an incumbent dropping out, with an attempted assassination changing the race’s tenor and trajectory, and with no nominee. 

How ironic it is that the party who calls former President Donald Trump a threat to democracy rarely practices what it preaches. For years now, the DNC has ignored the will of the people and disenfranchised its own voters because, for the DNC, there is no truth but power. Democracy is too messy of a process to leave up to chance for the DNC; they must gain and maintain power regardless of the tortuous and hypocritical rhetorical contortions necessary to obtain it. 

As things stand now, the DNC, having made one strategic mistake in clearing the primary field for a “Weekend at Bernie’s” candidate in Joe Biden, seem ready to do the same for Harris at the DNC convention in Chicago, who not only did not campaign to earn his spot, but who has never earned a single delegate in her national political career

Once again, RFK Jr. is the canary in the Democratic coal mine signaling to everyone how disastrous their un-democratic choices may be. Ignore him at your own peril. 

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