Wife of WaPo Columnist Who Argued Trump Is Russian Asset Is Indicted for Being Unregistered Foreign Agent

Taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others—schadenfreude—is one of the main attractions of social media spots like X/Twitter. Of course, whether taking that pleasure is justified is in the eye of the beholder/

X user Jarvis is certainly indulging it with the news he highlighted this week:

As you can see from the screenshot, Max Boot of the Washington Post, like most mainstream media, happily kept the false narrative about Donald Trump being a Russian puppet alive and kicking. The storyline that Trump was working for the Kremlin was just too delicious for leftist media to stop before they’d savored every last bite. 

But similar allegations are hitting much closer to home for Boot. His wife, Sue Mi Terry, has just been indicted on charges of acting as a agent for a foreign government. Terry is a former member of the White House National Security Council and used to work for the CIA. 

The indictment alleges that she worked on behalf of South Korea without registering as a foreign agent as required by law. Specifically, she is accused of pushing for policies favored by the South Korean government, and of disclosing sensitive U.S. information to South Korean government officials. 

The indictment filed in federal court in Manhattan claims Terry did this work in exchange for luxury gifts such as handbags from designers like Gucci, and for cash. Terry’s lawyer says the accusations are false, and that his client is a respected scholar and foreign policy analyst. 

Whatever may eventually wash out in court, social media users are tickled that a journalist who helped keep falsehoods about Trump circulating will now have to contend with similar issues in his personal life. 

Jarvis, the original poster, set the tone:

Do we detect some mockery of the left’s constant claims of being victimized in this exchange?

It’s clear that much of the public is absolutely fed up with the “do as I say, not as I do” lifestyle of today’s leftist elites. 

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