Idaho Town Bans Crosses in Parade, Residents Disobey

Cast your mind back to the turn of the 21st century and you may remember the rise of a group called the “new atheists.” Led by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, this was an ad-hoc group of scientists, philosophers, and regular people who thought religion had crept too far into government. They seemed particularly concerned with the then-current effort to get so-called “intelligent design” (creationism) into school science classes, but their real goal was the complete irradiation of religion from society.

The war is likely to be rekindled in the courts with Louisiana recently passing a law requiring the 10 Commandments to be displayed in classrooms. Meanwhile, Oklahoma’s state schools superintendent has ordered public schools to teach the Bible.

Over the years, the hostility to religion in public life has gone much farther than even Dawkins might have wanted (as evidenced by recent comments from him praising “cultural Christianity” – and citing Christianity as a bulwark against Islam).

Exhibit A: Coeur D’Alene Idaho, of all places, banned crosses from its 2024 Independence Day Parade. No, we can’t figure out how the city government believed it had the power to overturn citizens’ First Amendment rights this way. Nor can we figure out why the government believed people would obey such an egregious diktat.

Happily, people did not obey. This video shows that for all its trouble, Coeur D’Alene city officials had to watch a parade chock full of Christian symbolism.

It was so epic even some of the non-religious approved of it.

A number of Christians have noted that America isn’t just neutral on faith anymore, it’s actively hostile to Christianity.

There’s always one leftist who goes hyperbolic over anything that’s not their personal favorite:

Tired of woke? Remember that if you say no loudly enough, the bullies cave.

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