53 Years On… Still No Ice Age

Friday, July 9, 1971, saw a number of important events.

It was a day on which then-United States National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger made a secret visit to the People’s Republic of China – a notable moment given that the Communist state would not be part of the United Nations Security Council for another three months. It also marked the funeral of influential jazz legend Louis Armstrong who had passed away three days prior.

However, within the Washington Post, a stark warning of a “disastrous new ice age” headlined the paper. “The world could be as little as 50 or 60 years away from a disastrous new ice age, a leading atmospheric scientist predicts,” was the opening line in the article by staff writer Victor Cohn.

Well, 1971 was 53 years ago at the time of writing. Unless we are heading for a cold spell in the next seven years, the 70 degrees Fahrenheit in which I’m currently writing this article suggests that prediction, like many before it and many more since, was wrong.

There are many reasons why the predictions are increasingly ignored by the general public. Time and time again, predictions of our impending demise have (thankfully) never come to fruition.

Furthermore, these warnings to society are made despite the fact that an average individual’s contribution to carbon emissions is comparatively limited, particularly when the use of private jets by the rich and famous as well as mass pollution by foreign nations is considered.

Meanwhile, it’s been six years since climate activist and former truant Greta Thunberg warned that we were all going to die by 2023.

3 thoughts on “53 Years On… Still No Ice Age”

  1. Is Earth’s climate changing? Yes, climate is not static. Is mankind playing a role in this change? Most likely…but not to the extent climate alarmists would have you believe, obviously.
    The focus should be on pollution and making the planet’s land, air and water cleaner. Clean up the filth…this benefits everyone.

  2. When I was in High School in the late 60’s and 1970.. It WAS Global cooling and the New Ice Age. Then about 1980, the crazies and the communist’s decided that it should be Global Warming. It’s ALL about control of the population using food, restricted travel, and UN Agenda 29 to keep you in dense populated areas for better control. Resstist !!!

  3. Richard Crawford

    Global Warming –> Climate Change –> Climate Crisis –> Climate Catastrophe… what’s next? Are we already dead and refuse to acknowledge our zombie status? Or are we already political zombies refusing to acknowledge that the government leftist cabal simply wants to control us? In point of fact, World Economic Forum founder Claus Schwab has stated this very thing; and his fellow travelers Bill Gates, John Kerry, et al are entirely on board with it. However, one who refuses to be controlled cannot be controlled. This is the very fabric of what it means to be American; or at least it used to be. Buy an electric car? No! Become a vegetarian? No! Eat bugs? No! Cease using your appliances? No! America’s most liberal president to date, Barack Hussein Obama, had the slogan of “Yes we can!” Our slogan should now be “No we won’t!”

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