Young Men Are Becoming More Conservative, Poll Finds

After years of insufferable identity politics from the left, young men are increasingly flocking to the Republican Party according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal.

The poll reveals a marked shift to the right by young voters since 2013.

Eleven years ago, less than two in five 18-29-year-old men identified as Republicans (38%), with that figure dropping as low as 36% by 2016.

However, Donald Trump’s presidency, as well as Joe Biden’s to an extent, has fueled a rise in conservativism among young men with 49% of those surveyed now aligned with the GOP.

12th-graders have also seen a shift in their political beliefs. While teenage girls have remained predominantly liberal, the number of conservative boys has surpassed liberal-minded adolescents since 2010, with the gap widening to around 10 percentage points once “don’t knows” are factored in.

On a more recent scale, Biden’s tenure in the White House has seen support drop among all demographics and voting options for young adults.

Liberal women aged 18-29 outnumber Republicans by more than 30 percentage points in congressional ballots. However, young men have switched from the Democrats with the GOP leading by 12 points heading into November’s elections.

The trend matches the presidential ballot too. Biden continues to lead Trump by 30 points among 18-29-year-old women, but Trump leads his former presidential rival by 14 points for the opposite gender.

Some blamed the Democrats for this shift among young voters to the right.

Other users noted the huge divide between the two genders with women seemingly becoming more liberal.

3 thoughts on “Young Men Are Becoming More Conservative, Poll Finds”

  1. Once children ‘grow up’ and start paying their own way, they become more conservative. Unless they are lazy a.f. and want to be dependent on others for their survival. Most people want freedom and independence. You don’t get that when you’re a slave to the government. We need to get Trump in office again so he can finish the job he started. Democrats are giving our country away to Globalists who think that only THEY know what is best for us. No thanks.

  2. Young men must be more conservative to do what men do and have done since the dawn of time. You can’t build buildings, bridges, dams, roads, power grid, water lines, infrastructure, grow food, build airplanes, cars, boats, do next day deliveries, the list goes on and on with liberal gibberish. You have to incorporate hard cold facts when making the decisions necessary to do these things. This is the anathema of progressivism.

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