Researchers have been warning for years that testosterone levels are dropping in men. Obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and more have been tentatively blamed. But whatever the cause, it doesn’t take a study to see that leftist men are getting wimpier while woke women climb the social status ladder.
Podcast host Josh Slocum of Disaffected is in despair over Canada and the U.S. caving to leftist demands that we all talk about women’s monthly cycles at work. Our northern neighbor, the city of Victoria, says it wants “menstrual equity,” whatever that is. And to get it, the city announced it is raising the “period flag” while illuminating city buildings in creepy red light.
“Male ally” MP Seamus O’Regan showed off his new charm bracelet as part of a tidal wave of support for “Menstrual Hygiene Day.”

Down here in the states, the U.S. Department of Labor bemoans the fact that talking about your period at work is “taboo.” No word on whether the taboo against discussing your other bathroom habits on the job constitutes a similar injustice.
Disaffected’s Slocum takes both countries on in the show’s Potpourri du Moquerie satire segment – give it a watch below: