Woke Harridan Preacher Tries to Humiliate Trump in National Cathedral

The election of Donald Trump was only the beginning of a chance that the U.S. now has to tack back toward a normal and sane kind of politics. The country lurched so hard to the left over the past 15 years–and beyond into actual clinical insanity–that one election is not going to reset the board overnight. It will be years, perhaps a generation or longer, before “woke” is really rooted out of nearly every business, civic, and cultural institution. 

The hardest left voters and agitators truly believe they are “on the right side of history.” They truly believe that only they are moral, and that everyone to the right of them is fully and incurably immoral. Their minds work in black and white, all-good and all-bad. In psychiatric literature, this kind of thinking is called “splitting.” One “splits” another person into an all-wonderful or all-evil caricature of a whole human person. Splitting is a prominent feature of conditions like borderline personality disorder, a character disorder that includes emotional instability, histrionic emotions and accusations, and the false idea that one is a perpetual victim of others. 

To a close approximation, we can diagnose the U.S. as having a longstanding case of borderline personality disorder, at least the left half of the country. 

So it should be no surprise that on his second day in office, President Donald Trump and his wife Melania were the subject of an attempted humiliation from the pulpit. Preacher Mariann Budde stood at the lectern of the National Cathedral and excoriated Trump as he sat there, accusing him of frightening “trans kids” and illegal aliens. Naturally, Budde features what you might call the “modern mental illness presentation” affected by leftist women. Short, angry gray hair, deliberately awkward glasses, and the put-on “gentle mouse” voice used to cover over a vicious and hysterical rhetorical attack. 

Check it out: 

Budde claims there are “gay lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families. . .some who fear for their lives.”

“And the people, the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals, they they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation,” she added.

This type of rhetoric is just insane. It’s not a difference of opinion. It’s insanity, if we define insanity as a complete disconnection from the objective real world. The hack even even went on CNN after to defend her comments.

Frankly, it is impossible to believe that Mariann Budde genuinely believes that Donald Trump is a threat to the lives and continued state of being alive to “LGBTQ” people. But she is willing to claim that she believes this, which is at least as disturbing as the possibility that she takes her own hysteria seriously. 

One thing’s certain; Twitter/X users don’t: 

Buckle up, friends. There’s going to be more of this before there’s less.

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