Ranked in bottom half of states for education, crime, and infrastructure

U.S. News & World Report recently released its annual Best States analysis, and not much has changed for the Great Lakes State. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Michigan remains among the bottom 10 in the nation, well behind all states in the Midwest.
“Some states shine in health care. Some soar in education. Some excel in both – or in much more,” according to the news site. “The Best States rankings by U.S. News draw on thousands of data points to measure how well states perform for their citizens.” The rankings include a breakdown by categories: health care, crime, economy, education, fiscal stability, infrastructure, natural environment and opportunity. Michigan did not “shine,” “soar,” or “excel” in any of them.
Overall, the state ranked 42nd in the U.S. for the second consecutive year, making no progress after slipping one spot from 41st in 2023. For the second consecutive year, Michigan ranked in the bottom half of states for all categories, with its top-ranked category of opportunity in 27th place. The news site ranked Michigan 28th for the economy, 29th for health care, 30th for the natural environment, 32nd for fiscal stability, 38th for crime and corrections, and 41st for education and infrastructure.
Read the full article at The Midwesterner