The Olympic Games begin in Paris next month, and people are already upset.
Why? Because they’re upset by pictures of large groups of white people.

Writer and associate professor of law Janel George took exception to the U.S. Olympic swimming team which will be flying to France in the middle of July. In particular, she took issue with the majority-white team which features only one black swimmer.
“When people say that Jim Crow was so long ago, it’s important to remember the lasting effects of segregated spaces — like segregated swimming pools — and the continued impact across generations,” George wrote on social media. “This visual reflects that legacy.”

Obvious questions like “would George have a problem with the NBA being almost entirely black?” have already been answered by her silence on that non-issue.
As with everyone who has posted an unpopular take, refused to delete but permit no further debate, George soon turned off replies to her post. However, it was too little, too late, with hundreds condemning the peculiar silly viewpoint.

Perhaps George may have had a point had she highlighted other sports where predominantly one race makes up the majority of the squad.

It says a lot about woke extremists when they seek division even during the rare occasion when the country can unite and support the United States at the Olympics.
For some, it may be engagement farming, where controversial posts and awful posts boost their followers and subsequently their own ego. For others, it could be a more sinister approach to divide people and thus make them more likely to agree with one’s point of view.
Either way, one has to ask the question: when so much divides us, why is it difficult to support one of the few things which can unite?