Taylor Lorenz Gets Schooled By Don Lemon on LGBT Rights

It’s not often that I find myself praising Don Lemon. The former CNN host is about as biased and left-leaning as television personalities come these days.

Still, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Lemon recently schooled Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz on exactly how free we are in the old U.S. of A.

On “The Don Lemon Show”, apparently his new gig post-CNN, Lemon had Lorenz on as a guest to discuss the ongoing Pro-Palestinian protests happening on college campuses nationwide.

Lemon raises the point that many of the protesters, those who belong to the LGBT community, wouldn’t have any freedoms if they lived in Gaza.

Lorenz, in her typical misinformed manner, claims that gays don’t have any freedoms in places like Texas or Florida, either.

Lemon, to his credit, quickly corrects her:

“Taylor I’m a member of the LGBTQ community, if I go to Texas they’re not going to throw me off a roof.”

Wow, way to go Don Lemon. Spitting facts. He’s of course referring to how homosexuals are treated in many Muslim countries.

Even his former employer CNN did a piece about how accepting ISIS is to the LGBTQ community. See below.

X users quickly refuted Lorenz’s claim, pointing out that Florida has a vibrant gay community in places like Miami Beach and Key West.

Many were also shocked to see her maskless, even though the interview was done via video call. She has rarely been seen without her trusty mask the past four years.

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