Study Claims Medieval Finnish Warrior Was Non-Binary

A medieval Finnish warrior discovered in 1968 has been declared non-binary following an absurd “study.”

Following initial publication in July 2021, the “study” largely went unnoticed until it was regurgitated by left-wing digital media outlet to mass ridicule from tens of thousands of commenters.

According to the study’s abstract, a weapon was found in a grave at Suontaka Vesitorninmäki, Hattula, in Finland. The grave is believed to be more than 1,000 years old.

In the more than five decades since its discovery, researchers have developed multiple theories over the individual dressed in “typical feminine costume of the era.” Some state that it is evidence of a powerful woman, while others believe the grave to be a double burial.

However, the study offered an alternative perspective.

“We present the first modern analysis of the grave, including an examination of its context, a soil sample analysis for microremains, and an aDNA analysis,” wrote the authors. “Based on these analyses, we suggest a new interpretation: the Suontaka grave possibly belonged to an individual with sex-chromosomal aneuploidy XXY.”

“The overall context of the grave indicates that it was a respected person whose gender identity may well have been non-binary,” authors added, with no explanation of how this is possible considering that the concept of “non-binary” is a new politically-motivated invention.

Social media users on Facebook ridiculed the report, as well as the publication by

Others noted yet more insistence that society bows down to the Woke agenda.

7 thoughts on “Study Claims Medieval Finnish Warrior Was Non-Binary”

  1. That is complete and utter BS. People back then didn’t have time to sit around and whine about “trans issues” or “being non-binary.” They were more worried about where their next meal was coming from, would they be able to survive the coming winter, were they safe from raiders/bandits, was their feudal lord taxing them too much, so on and so forth. They didn’t have the technological luxuries we do today that enabled them to have so much free time to sit around and dream up BS like “non-binary” people. The corpse in the grave was a man or a woman, period. They did have the occasional female warrior back then, especially in the Scandinavian/northern European areas. “Shield maidens” may have not been as prominent as today’s lefties like to make them out to be, but they did exist. So if it was a woman buried with a weapon, that’s more than likely what the situation was. There’s absolutely no way they would know this was a person with “XXY” chromosomes.

  2. Apparently these people never heard the term Shield Maiden! Many Viking women engaged in combat, they were trained to protect the home while their men were out raiding. It was probably not normal for a woman to be buried with her weapons unless she was a particularly well known Shield Maiden, or perhaps a leader among them!

  3. It was inevitable. In the past 20 years we’ve been asked to believe Abraham Lincoln, Charlemagne, Moses, Cthulhu, and Montezuma were rainbow wavers. Is it any surprise some nameless Finn who’s too dead to defend itself should be accused as well?

    1. I’m revising my epitaph and tombstone so there’s no chance I get lumped in with J Edgar Hoover, et al.

  4. Since “non-binary”, when applied to gender is meaningless, this entire “study” is utter trash.

    (A wise person once said, Anytime you see, ‘studies show’ or ‘experts say’, whatever follows is usually really dumb).

  5. Were these warriors wrapped in rainbow flags with pre-puberty children next to them? Asking for a friend.

  6. Were it not for that extraneous (impossible) extra X chromosome, our hero might still be alive today.

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