“Seattle Is Lost”: Cameraman Encounters Prostitutes and Drug Overdoses

At one point in the video below, the man filming says, “Seattle is lost.”

The same could be said for so many major American cities. Once bustling and beautiful, Democrat-run cities have declined into open-air prostitution markets, drug dens, and places to lie down and die for the addicted and destitute.

This short video from Johnathan Choe at the Discovery Institute starts out looking like it will be funny.

And to be fair, the beginning does give a chuckle. The nearly naked woman in the beginning could be metaphor for the modern American mind. She asks the videographer, “What you recording for?”, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to dress as a budget-grade working girl in broad daylight in front of the self-serve coffee bar at a mini-mart.

Because it is normal, now, isn’t it, in too much of America? In just 10 to 15 years behavior that would have had someone arrested for public indecency or lewdness is not only tolerated, but defended and “celebrated.” Employers are telling survey-takers that young people, recent college graduates, are the hires they most regret. Companies say Gen Z graduates can’t manage the basics like making eye contact or dressing appropriately for work. It is no surprise that the woman depicted in the video believes her “professional” attire is suitable for a public store with children present.

But when we go outside with the camera, the picture gets darker. A woman standing in the parking lot appears to be bent over awkwardly in a way that indicates hard-drug use. Behind the chain link fence next door a man is kneeling with his head on the ground while the camera man asks if he’s all right, and if he needs help. It’s sadly pointless; he’s completely incoherent and does not appear to know who he is or where he is.

Senator John Thune pointed out three years ago that a big part of the problem is the Black Lives Matter-inspired “defund the police” movement. “American communities are less safe today than they were a year ago. Crime rates have surged since ‘defund the police’ became a rallying cry,” he wrote.

In the intervening years, little seems to have improved. Drug overdose deaths have quadrupled between 2002 and 2022. This writer can confirm that the New England city where he lives—often depicted in tourist post cards—now has no-go zones filled with drug users, prostitutes, hypodermic needles, and human feces on the ground in areas that used to be middle-class neighborhoods.

The left insists that it has a bigger heart and cares more for the downtrodden than anyone. If that is true, why are so many people literally dying in the streets?

3 thoughts on ““Seattle Is Lost”: Cameraman Encounters Prostitutes and Drug Overdoses”

  1. Liberalism is a cancer. It spreads wherever it is allowed to exist. It destroys whatever it touches. Please stop voting for ANY democrat in ANY race, ANYWHERE. Democrats spread this liberal cancer and dance with delight when it destroys our nation. Please stop voting for ANY democrat!!

  2. I visited Seattle in 2014 and received culture shock while exiting the SkyTrain from the airport. It was dusk and both aides.of the street were full of folks lined up for the shelter beds. Over the coming days, I walked all over downtown and saw some homeless here and there during the day. The smell of Seattle was weed and you’d occasionally see someone nodded off due to opioids.

    In August 2023 I spent several days in Seattle and it has fallen further in outdoor drug use and increased homelessness. I would not have believed it could have gotten worse than my 2014 experience, but there was WAAAAY more street people on way more streets.

    I encountered several sections of heavy outdoor drug use and sales downtown. On one block, there were about 50 street people and 15 had tinfoil squares (suitable to smoke whatever is available. )

    The homeless, drug & sanitation problems in Seattle are growing.

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