Psst! Karine and Joe Know Each Other—Pass it On!

She of the corkscrew curls—or ramen noodle wig if you prefer—is having such a hard time holding together the White House’s public image that she is now reduced to “answering” reporters’ questions about Kamala Harris’ accomplishments by giving the vice president co-credit for policies enacted by President Joe Biden. Think of it as Karine Jean-Pierre grading Harris on a curve for a group class project. 

First, we have to set the scene by describing the media silliness that provoked the topic. Readers, stay with me; this is as dumb as it seems. We all know that Joe Biden is president, and that Kamala Harris is vice president. They are, literally and uncontroversially, a team that both work in the White House. Therefore, it is fair to think of the two of them as being connected, is it not?

The geniuses over at Politico don’t think so:

You read that right. It’s the supercharged version of the media’s reflexive reaction any time a conservative objects to an over the top or dangerous leftist policy: “Republicans pounce!” We are to believe that Donald Trump, the worst Bad Orange Man ever, is acting like a lunatic by “trying to draw a connection” between. . .the president and the vice president. 

We really are through the looking glass. Up is down, black is white, and there is no such thing as objective reality. 

As usual, Twitter/X users had something to say about that, starting with the estimable LibsofTikTok:

Then we get some quality snark:

How does White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre come into this?

We’re not sure if Politico knows this, but it looks like even she has fallen under The Donald’s spell. “Answering” a question from a reporter about what specific policy accomplishments Harris can claim credit for, an annoyed Jean-Pierre recently “admitted” the blatantly obvious; that Harris and Biden are connected because they work together. “Bidenomics has been something that both the President and the Vice President has worked on” she told Peter Doocy, who asked about whether Harris was trying to distance herself from Biden.

Considering what she has to defend, one almost feels sorry for Jean-Pierre, but then one remembers she willingly signed up to take a paycheck to protect a dishonest and senile president from accountability to the citizens he allegedly serves. 

Plenty of past White House spokeswomen (hello, Jen Psaki) have made it clear they believe they’re above answering questions from the unwashed masses, but Jean-Pierre has made it into an art form. She telegraphs annoyance at “impertinent” and “inappropriate” questions from the press (huh?), but when it comes to trying to answer a substantive question, she falls apart. When pressed about the recent news that presidential son Hunter Biden leaned on the State Department for insider help winning a business contract, Jean-Pierre literally stuttered her way through the answer

Plenty of Twitter/X users are having deserved fun at her expense. User Andrew Dice Hardy cadged the spokeswoman’s own malapropism and shot it back:

We’re with mummabear in spirit, but we’re afraid you can “just make up words”—if you’re a Democrat. 

No social media thread would be complete without at least one clinical teaching example of the symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome:

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