Pro-Palestinian Student Kicked Out Of Family Home For Slacktivist Protest

Wars by their own nature are divisive.

They involve (at least) two sides who do not agree on something so significant that the best course of action is to kill those who hold a different outlook.

Of course, that definition is extremely simplistic. No two wars are alike, and there are often multiple contributing factors including the nature of governments, disagreements on territory, access to resources or even religious beliefs.

Conflicts end when there is a winner, or an agreement is reached between the warring parties.

They do not end because a faceless profile has put a Palestinian flag in their social media bio.

Israel’s war with Hamas has caused divisions far beyond the Middle East. Even in the United States, different family members hold different views on the conflict.

Pro-Palestinian leftists have been vocal in their slacktivist efforts. Flags have appeared in profiles, and McDonald’s has been boycotted (although the impact in the U.S. is somewhat limited).

Yet, unless they hop on a plane to Gaza in swathes and pick up a weapon, their meaningless gestures won’t make a blind bit of difference.

A student who uses the twitter handle “Donut_tweetz” shared a video of her own protest that proved that exact point. The footage came from her graduation, where she held up a bedsheet which is barely legible. She also muted the video, most likely as the audience in attendance disagreed with her anti-Israel view with either laughter or booes (or both).

Alas, she was ridiculed by thousands on social media.

And how did her parents react to her virtue signalling? Well…

I guess if her goal was to ruin her own life for no reason whatsoever, that mission was accomplished.

9 thoughts on “Pro-Palestinian Student Kicked Out Of Family Home For Slacktivist Protest”

  1. “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s that so much they know isn’t so.” – Ronald Reagan

    Libocrats have ZERO self-awareness! It is their mental illness (as confirmed by multiple growing mental health studies)!

    #NeutralizeTheDemoNcratParty (the original party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, continued modern racism, new slavery methods and documented grifters) – F A C T S



    American Patriot #Hispanics4TRUERepublicans 🇺🇸 (POC are going to change the narrative, just look at our current polling)

    VOTE A STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET IN 2024 for regained Rule of Law!

    A Republican majority is required to do so.

    *I did NOT say vote for a RINO

    1. We don’t have liberal friends. These are communists and are true revolutionaries and must be met with overwhelming force were ever they show their faces from under th4 rocks they live under

  2. Scott Christopher Marshall

    Funny Twitter name… she does look like she’s eaten all the donuts.

  3. Having been kicked out of the house, she’s going to need to find an employer who is looking for a burger-flipper with a college degree in 20th Century Gender Queer Studies or whatever she majored in.

  4. Kids are so friggin stupid. I suppose it just seemed like a good idea to do something bold and controversial thinking the last day of school would not carry with it the repercussions that followed. Could have even been a slight to her parents for being strict. Who knows? She seemed overweight. I raised one of those who was also a rebel. She struggled so hard for years to be accepted at school because of it. What a sad mistake that young girl in the video made. Hope everyone there has a short memory.

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