People Identifying as Non-Citizens Are Still Being Registered to Vote by the DMV

Non-citizens being added to state voter rolls through motor vehicle departments has become a significant issue.

J. Christian Adams, President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), has raised concerns about non-citizens registering to vote, even after explicitly stating their non-citizen status.

This issue spans several states, with many non-citizens being added to voter rolls through the motor voter process, typically handled by Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMV). According to Adams, even legal residents have been inadvertently swept into the system.

He explained that 90-95% of those registered through this process are legal residents, such as green card holders, who unknowingly become part of the voter rolls.

In Pennsylvania, Adams revealed that non-citizens had been registered to vote for decades, a problem admitted by the state itself. He shared that PILF has been fighting to obtain records that show the extent of this issue, but Pennsylvania has been stonewalling them for seven years.

In 2017, Pennsylvania’s then-Secretary of State Al Schmidt acknowledged that over 100,000 matches between voter registration records and state driver’s licenses had been found, raising concerns about a “potentially very significant number” of non-citizens on the voter rolls.

The issue has come to light in other states as well, including Arizona, Texas, and Ohio.

For example, Arizona’s Secretary of State Adrian Fontes recently admitted that nearly 100,000 voters had been mistakenly registered due to errors in the state’s system. In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott announced the removal of over one million ineligible voters, including thousands of non-citizens. Ohio, too, has started removing non-citizens from its voter rolls after identifying hundreds who had admitted their non-citizen status.

Across the country, non-citizens are being caught in a flawed system, raising serious concerns about the integrity of U.S. elections.

Be sure to read the full story at LifeZette

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