Democrat Congressman: “Ukraine’s Border Is Our Border”

As if we needed another example of how backward our politicians’ priorities are, last week we witnessed Americans waving Ukrainian flags in the halls of (American) Congress after voting to send $60 billion more of your tax dollars to fund a foreign war.

Meanwhile, the southern (U.S.) border is wide open, letting terrorists, murderers, drug mules, and who knows what else into our country. Can we finally get some funding for a border wall?

Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA) went so far as to say that “the Ukraine Border is our border.” (no, it’s not).

“Some say, well, we have to deal with our border first,” Connelly said. “The Ukrainian-Russian border is our border! It’s the border between depraved autocracy and freedom loving people seeking our democratic way of life! Do we have a stake in that outcome? Yes. Undeniably, yes.”

Give it a listen for yourself – it has to be heard to be believed:

Apparently the only border crisis that doesn’t exist to people like Connolly is the only one that actually does exist.

In his speech on the floor of Congress, he acknowledged that his detractors will call for securing the U.S. border before handing billions of dollars to other countries.

People on Twitter/X were quick to tear Connolly a new one:

Both his twisted priorities and “fascinating” perspectives on geography were put on blast:

Just as quickly he dismisses the thought of putting America first, showing that he prefers Americans taking a backseat to Ukrainians.

I’m old enough to remember when Republicans were criticized for wanting to fund endless wars around the world.

American politicians, regardless of party affiliation, should not be waiving the flag of another country in our seat of government.

Trump said it best:

1 thought on “Democrat Congressman: “Ukraine’s Border Is Our Border””

  1. Charlie Tumilowicz

    Well, the Senator is almost correct, in a way, but it has nothing to do with the Ukraine. Between the U.S. and Alaska there are two islands named Little Diomede and Big Diomede. Little Diomede is U.S territory and Big Diomede is Russian territory. When conditions are cold enough and the space between the islands freezes over, it is possible to traverse between the islands. So, the reality is the border lies between countries, along with the International Date Line. Depending on where one stands it is possible to be looking into yesterday or looking into tomorrow. While warped in the media for political convenience, Sarah Palin was correct. You can see Russia from Alaska and if you have a mind to, you can travel between our nations. But, then again, with proxy wars, nose to nose fighting may as well be thought of as fighting across a common border no matter who may be funding the fury.

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