As the old joke goes; what do you call someone who graduates last in their class in medical school? Doctor.
Common sense suggests that so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)” policies in medicine are risking lives, and the data to support that theory already exists.
Prominent conservative attorney John LeFevre shared a 2022 study on X proving this. Authored by Norwegian professors, the study titled, “Does Your Doctor Matter? Doctor Quality and Patient Outcomes” claims that a standard deviation increase in doctor quality is associated with a 12.2% decline in a patient’s two-year mortality risk.

“Using a lower bound of the predicted value of an additional life year in Norway ($35,000), our results demonstrate that replacing the worst performing GPs (bottom 5 percent of the VA distribution) with GPs of average quality generates a social benefit of $27,417 per patient, $9.05 million per GP, or $934 million in total,” the report’s abstract reads. “At the same time, our results show that higher-quality GPs are associated with a lower per-patient cost.”
LeFerve also shared a picture showing how affirmative action impacts medical school acceptance rates.

As can be gleaned by the chart, Black medical school applicants in the bottom 10% of applicants are accepted into med school at roughly the same rates as whites and Asians from the top 10% of applicants. The American Medical Association limits the number of doctors licensed every year, making this an especially dangerous zero sum game.

Quite simply, if medical professionals are employed based on their qualifications, rather than other measures such as skin color, then patients are likely to receive a better quality of care – though you probably didn’t need to be told that.
Many on social media shared their own harrowing experiences of DEI in medicine.

Another called for the need of artificial intelligence in medicine.

One user also highlighted another profession where DEI is perhaps best avoided.