Mother Of Handicapped Child Says She Was Prosecuted By Kamala Harris Under Truancy Law

A shocking video in which a California mother said she was prosecuted by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris has gone viral.

Before entering Congress, Harris was Attorney General for the Golden State. Under her jurisdiction, the now-Vice President implemented changes to California’s truancy law, threatening parents whose kids were absent from school with jail time – regardless of circumstance.

One mother, Cheree Peoples, was a victim of Harris’ strict enforcement, and shared her story for the “Arrested By Kamala” website.

Peoples said that Harris had her arrested and prosecuted because “my handicapped daughter was sick in the hospital and had missed some days of school.”

Because her daughter, Shayla, had missed more than 10% of her school days, an arrest warrant was issued against Peoples. She was then arrested, and told to take her complaints to the Attorney General’s office.

Peoples would face the next two years fighting the charges while simultaneously struggling to care for her unwell daughter. She would also lose her job, meaning she was unable to pay rent and was subsequently evicted.

People’s says in the video:

In 2012, like all parents, I received a threatening letter from California Attorney General Kamala Harris saying I’ll go to jail for a year if our kids missed 10% of school days. Little did I know, there was a warrant out for my arrest. All of a sudden the police are outside my house, banging on the door. They told me I was under arrest for my child missing school. I was shocked.

I said, “But my baby is sick, the school knows that!” And they said, “Go talk to Kamala Harris, place your hands behind your back.”

Watch her full story below:

“Look, I am not a political person, but I want people to know what Kamala Harris did to me,” she concluded. “If she can do it to me, she will abuse anyone if you give her the power.”

Many were outraged when the video was shared on social media.

Several commentors also described the Democratic presidential nominee as “evil”.

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