Matt Walsh Infiltrates White-Woman-Bashing Dinner Parties in New Film

Conservative podcaster and commentator Matt Walsh broke most of the rules of liberal Hollywood in 2022 with his wildly successful comic documentary What is a Woman. He traveled the world asking that simple question, which has, unbelievably, become incredibly difficult to answer in the West as society has succumbed to the insanity of gender ideology.

The only people in the film who seemed to understand how crackpot the question really is were the members of the African Masai tribe, who had no idea that Westerners had forgotten the difference between men and women. 

Click below to start the hilarity. 

Now Walsh is tweaking the noses of the progressive left by asking another short question. Am I Racist is the title of his new film. Taking the same approach he did for What is a Woman, Walsh manages to sneak himself into the conferences and dinner parties of the mentally unbalanced left who worship at the feet of narcissistic race grifters like Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility. 

If you didn’t know that these people exist, you would think Walsh made them up. But we can assure you that they are real.

Regina Jackson and Saira Rao run a white-woman mortification scheme called “Race 2 Dinner.” White women paid $2,500 for the privilege of having dinner with the pair and other white women while being told that they’re awful Karens who were born with the original sin of racism simply because their skin is white. Yes, it does seem reasonable to suspect there’s a sexual and sadomasochistic element to these dire affairs. 

Disguised in a bad wig and a Covid mask, Walsh managed to get hired as a catering waiter for one of the dinners. You have to watch this clip to believe it. Saira Rao bizarrely starts out claiming that she, an Indian woman, “used to be a white woman, an unsuccessful one,” before excoriating her white female dining companions for being awful people who live miserable lives. Everyone gets their jollies their own way, apparently. 

As she attempted to lecture at her race-baiting dinner, Walsh interjected to completely derail the discussion in the funniest way possible – concluding with Walsh asking attendees to raise a glass if they’re racist – to which nearly the entire table complied.

Wokespy readers, we hope you let us know how this “hit you” in the comments below. Let’s see what people on social media had to say. 

Galen was laughing despite himself:

Isn’t it amazing what a little piece of cloth in the form of a face diaper will do? 

We don’t know about you, but we’re with this guy:

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