Kid’s One Word Response To Question About Kamala Harris Leaves Social Media Laughing

A CNN segment left conservatives in stiches when it went viral on social media.

The segment, titled “kids on politics”, involved a number of elementary school children responding to questions about the upcoming presidential election. The kids surveyed attended schools in safe states such as New Jersey and Texas, as well as the battleground of Arizona.

One child praised Donald Trump for “giving his life and his heart” to the country. But, it was the response of another adolescent which caught the attention of social media.

“What’s the first word that pops into you head when you hear the name Kamala Harris?” the ten-year-old was asked.

“Liar,” was his response.

The clip caught the attention of Donald Trump Jr., who said, “The kids always know.”

Social media commentors held high praise for the pro-Trump kid.

That said, not everyone agreed with CNN’s decision to interview children for their political views.

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