DeSantis Delivers: New College Purges Leftist Literature

In a resounding victory for conservative values, Florida’s New College has finally cleared its shelves of leftist propaganda. Under the bold leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, the institution has taken a stand against the liberal indoctrination that has plagued our education system for far too long. Hundreds of books pushing radical LGBTQ+ agendas and other extreme leftist ideologies have been rightfully removed from the library, much to the chagrin of the usual suspects.

While snowflakes are melting down over this long-overdue cleanup, real Americans are applauding the move. It’s about time someone had the guts to challenge the status quo and protect our young minds from the onslaught of woke nonsense. This isn’t censorship, folks – it’s a return to sanity and traditional American values.

Liberals Throw Tantrum Over “Banned” Books

Predictably, the left is having a field day, crying censorship and oppression. But let’s get real – nobody’s banning these books. They’re simply being removed from a state-funded institution that shouldn’t be in the business of promoting radical ideologies. If people want to read about gender theory or critical race theory, they can do it on their own dime.

“We basically tried to communicate to officials that there were educational nonprofits and shelters that were immediately willing to bring trucks and save all of the books … and officials refused,” whined Zander Moricz, executive director at SEE.

Sorry, Zander, but Florida law prevents state-funded materials from being sold or donated. Maybe if you’d spent less time reading about gender studies and more time studying actual laws, you’d know that. The college is simply following proper procedures for disposing of outdated or irrelevant materials.

DeSantis: Making Florida Great Again

This move is just the latest in Governor DeSantis’ efforts to restore sanity to Florida’s education system. He’s already signed laws banning the use of state or federal funding for divisive diversity programs. It’s clear that DeSantis is committed to making Florida a beacon of conservative values in a sea of liberal madness.

“A library needs to regularly review and renew its collection to ensure its materials are meeting the current needs of students and faculty,” a college spokesperson stated, cutting through the liberal hysteria.

Despite the left’s attempts to paint this as some sort of nefarious plot, the truth is far less exciting. This is simply part of a standard “weeding” process that all libraries undergo. But don’t expect the mainstream media to report on that – it doesn’t fit their narrative of conservative “book-burning.”

A Win for Academic Freedom

Ironically, by removing these biased materials, New College is actually promoting true academic freedom. Students will now be free to form their own opinions without being bombarded by one-sided, leftist propaganda. This is what real education looks like – presenting facts, not forcing ideologies down students’ throats.

As we celebrate this victory for common sense, let’s remember that the fight isn’t over. Liberals will continue to push their agenda in our schools and universities. But with leaders like Governor DeSantis at the helm, we can rest assured that Florida will remain a bastion of conservative values and true academic freedom. The tide is turning, folks, and it’s about time.

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