CNN Commentator Implies Joe Biden Knew “Questions Were Coming” Ahead Of Disastrous Debate

CNN’s presidential debate will forever be remembered as a disastrous night for President Joe Biden.

The presumptive Democratic nominee had a low bar after years of criticism over his declining physical and mental ability. Despite this, it’s fair to say he still fell short of barely-existent expectations.

Even the Democrat-friendly CNN were critical of Biden’s performance, with commentators in the post-debate analysis referencing the DNC’s internal ‘panic’. One, Erin Burnett, was particularly skeptical of the President given that he knew “every one of these questions is coming”, implying that he had been given the questions beforehand.

“He goes through six days of preparation, a camp day, more than that. And they know the rules,” Burnett added. “He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn’t fill the time.”

Check it out:

The clip prompted reaction from many at the unsurprising bias towards Biden.

Another responded how Biden’s performance demonstrated a rare moment of national unity.

Questions were also raised as to whether the Democrats were seeking to replace Biden in time for November’s election.

Whether Thursday’s debate has ultimately changed the election result will always remain a mystery. That said, if Trump was predicted to win, he’s almost certain to now.

Biden had one job: to appear competent – and he couldn’t even keep up a façade for an hour and a half.

6 thoughts on “CNN Commentator Implies Joe Biden Knew “Questions Were Coming” Ahead Of Disastrous Debate”

  1. This is just like the Trump Hillary debates when Donna Brazil gave Hillary all the questions ahead of time. For the last four years ALL the reporters have to submit their questions ahead of time. We have seen the note cards and “Briefing Papers” with the picture of the reporter and the answer that Joe has to give.

  2. Both candidates got the questions in advance. That is why uncle Joe went in the basement for 6 days. Trump already knew the answers and continued on the campaign trail

  3. He probably did, but I think the comment could as easily be construed as ‘everyone knew what the questions would be’. Let’s not get too excited about this.

  4. Arnel Pournsmack

    … And would you believe the oblivion celebs in Hollywood are outraged that “CNN rigged the debate for Trump”..? LOL

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