Chicago Mayor With Apparently No Real Local Problems Wants George Washington Out of City Hall

Conservatives have long warned that the leftist impulse to erase and destroy the past won’t stop with erasing only the “villains.” It won’t stop with simply taking down monuments to Confederate soldiers, or slaveholders, or “settler colonialists” as the anti-Israel crowd labels them. Of course, many now-contentious historical figures weren’t thorough-going villains except as judged by modern woke standards, but try explaining that to a leftist.

During the Black Lives Matter hysteria of the early 2020s, America lost its collective mind and stood idly by while vandals and university chancellors alike removed or destroyed dozens of historical monuments. Back in 2022, CNN reported that more than 70 monuments depicting men from the Confederacy had been taken down.

And who can forget the glee with which liberal media pictorially reported on the melting down of a Charlottesville, Virginia, statue of Robert E. Lee?

The conservatives were right.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, who is even more Lori Lightfoot, his predecessor, than Lightfoot was herself, plans to remove the statue of our nation’s founding father, George Washington, from City Hall. Maybe it’s public pushback, or something else, but media are now reporting that the Johnson administration may be backing down. Frankly, it’s hard to believe there’s enough patriotic outrage in the U.S. in year 2024 that Johnson would get any blowback at all, but if there is, it can only be a good thing.

Of course, since contrived black grievance (not to mention rampant black narcissism) sells so well, Johnson reportedly wanted to replace Washington with a “black Chicagoan.”

What is clear is that many Americans are tired of this insulting nonsense, and they’re expressing it on social media with humorous sarcasm.

User Joseph Michael reminds us that Republicans were right, including the Uber-Republican himself.

Ouch, Uncle Paul! It’s funny because it’s true.

Whose statue do you think will fall next? Tell us in the comments!

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