Apparently You’re A White Supremacist If You Show Up To Work On Time

Cultural expectations such as punctuality, perfectionism, and individualism key characteristics of “white supremacy culture” according to a document from Duke University’s School of Medicine. Who knew?

As part of its “Critical Race Theory” series, the medical school aims to “catalyze anti-racist practice through education” and create an “anti-racist workforce.”

The document, which has been approved by the school’s dean Dr. Mary E. Klotman, claimed traditional expectations such as arriving for work on time and well-dressed were aspects of “white supremacy culture.”

“White supremacy culture is the idea (ideology) that White people and the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs and actions,” according to the report.

After claiming that the United States is rigged in favor of people “solely because they are White,” the document continued to say that “white supremacy culture” is “power hoarding” at the expense of minorities.

“In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness,” the document added. “Some identifiable characteristics of this culture includes perfectionism, belief that there’s only one right way, power hoarding, individualism, sense of urgency and defensiveness.”

Duke’s is renowned for its diversity, equity and inclusion policies, and many commenters noted the ludicrous findings of its recently published document.

Others questioned how the practice would work should a patient arrive on time for surgery.

 What’s your view? Is showing up to work on time racist? Let us know in the comments.

17 thoughts on “Apparently You’re A White Supremacist If You Show Up To Work On Time”

  1. My dad always told me if I don’t arrive to work 15 minutes early, I was late. I never knew he held these white supremacy views until now.

    1. My mother taught me to always be the first one at work and the last to leave. It’s like she was Hitler.

    2. “To be fair, being on time contributes to climate change.
      Am I doing it right?”

  2. As a Caucasian American, American graduate with a hard earned MBA, native-born American, honorably discharged American Veteran, heterosexual American, Christian American, bio-Male American, over 40yrs old American, happily married American Father of an American Son and an American Daughter, and a proud descendant of a family of citizens with 200 years of American heritage are finding it more and more offensive that there are those in positions of authority that are targeting me and my family in such a deflamatory and slanderous manner. Maybe its time for my American brothers and sisters, our race, my gender, ny age group, my faith, and my sexual prefernece to lawyer up and file class action lawsuits against these enemies of ethics, logic, common sense and civility for the hatred they spew in their roles as DEI defenders and protagonists. Who wants a peice of this action? Any lawyers out there with cajones to take this on? Any other citizens out there as offended and maliciously wronged and harmed and I am. My Creator made me who I am. Is that wrong? Should I be targeted, maligned, victimized, and persecuted for that? What about my rights? When will the DOJ protyect my rights under ther Civil Rights Act of 1964? We Will Overcome!

  3. I’m a retired Police Sergeant. I had an Officer of Color, saunter into roll call literally two seconds before we started.
    Every day.
    Next he would slow walk to his seat. When I privately mentioned RC starts at 0600, he replied, “I was in the room. Right?”
    This former Marine, who told me, in the Corp, he could shower and be in uniform in two minutes, held me up every morning. He knew he was an untouchable person of color. His retirement was a joy for me.

  4. The arguments suborning lateness for any reason are as absurd as a Becket play. The concept in the workplace was always based on the adage “Time is money”. So do the math, if you are late to the meeting by say 15 minutes, and it can’t start without you, you have wasted .25 hr of your salary. If you get paid 50 bucks an hour, then that’s 12.5 dollars. Not a big deal, but there are 14 people on the team, so that’s more like 175 dollars just for this one meeting. Who pays for this? The client, or the company, eats it in decreased profits. Enough raising the client’s prices and or eating the profits will drive the company out of business, and the whole team will be out of a job. Do the right thing. Be on time!

  5. When I was in high school, my black home room and typing teacher always told us we should be at our desks 5 minutes before class start. I guess she was a racist.

    I’m Hispanic and I always believe in being on time for everything I say I’m going to be responsible for. Work, family and friends gatherings, etc. It’s called respect and responsibility.

  6. The 24-hour day is racist. Why not a 25-hour day? Or maybe a 36-hour day to make sure I’m on time.

  7. If Dr. Klotman were going in for brain surgery do you think she would expect the surgeon to be on time?

  8. Will having indoor working toilets that flush be white supremacy?
    Will flushing used TP down a commode be racist?
    If being well dressed is racist, is taking a shower racist?
    By touting such ridiculousness, the left is actually insulting and denigrating the very people they purport to help.

  9. I guess Duke doesn’t consider that maybe some people of color do want to show up to work on time or maybe Duke believes black people are incapable of showing up to work on time.

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