Joe Biden Says He Will Consider Dropping Out If He Had A Medical Condition Hours Before COVID-19 Diagnosis

Joe Biden’s re-election campaign has been a trainwreck so far – and there’s no signs of things getting any better.

Democrats are deserting a President who many voters see as simply too old and mentally absent to serve a second successive term. His gaffes – becoming evermore public and evermore embarrassing – seem to be an overriding subject in his attempt to retain the White House.

The examples are countless. Footage went viral from Biden’s latest interview with the Black Entertainment Television network, where forgot his own Defense Secretary’s name and referred to him as “the Black man.” Biden also said he would perhaps step aside if he was diagnosed with a medical condition in that same interview.

This came just hours before the interview aired, Biden was “coincidentally” diagnosed with COVID-19.

For some, the subject of Biden’s comments had already happened.

Dropping out of the race this early would also raise questions over whether to finish his first term as President.

Riley Gaines had the best take:

Sometimes, it can be painful to watch Biden onstage as his bumbles and fumbles his way through an incoherent sentence.

Then again, his obsession with political power somewhat suspends sympathy. A politician since 1973, Biden has been a lawmaker for over half a decade, and only secured himself the top job at the age of 77.

Even then, Biden’s 2020 campaign initially poised him as a “transition candidate” with many expecting him to relinquish the reigns to Vice President Kamala Harris. Four years on, and Biden is still in charge – whether that remains the case is a subject of ever-increasing doubt.

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