CNN Host Melts Down at Rep. Cory Mills Over Security Failures at Trump Rally

It may be cliché to point to CNN as the premiere example of a failed news organization, but there isn’t a better example of what happens to media when the emotions and political proclivities of its staff override journalistic integrity. 

And there isn’t a better recent example than this exchange between CNN anchor Kate Bolduan and Republican House Rep. Cory Mills of Florida. Mills was brought on to discuss how the Secret Service handled security at Donald Trump’s July 13 rally at Butler, Pennsylvania. We can all see the result—20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at the president, nearly putting a bullet in his brain while the crowd screamed in panic. 

We’re now seeing video on social media with people claiming to have seen Crooks maneuvering to get on top of a nearby roof with a clear line of sight, begging police to do something about it, to no avail. Well, Rep. Mills is a former Army sniper and he’s displeased with the Secret Service, to put it mildly. 

During the interview he listed numerous apparent failures, most obviously the fact that Crooks was able to get on top of the building roof with no one stopping him, and no agents stationed on that roof. Mills called it an “obvious” spot for a shooter to go for. He said he was left scratching his head about the Service’s decision-making process.

“I’m having a very difficult time not leaning myself toward . . .this was intentional as opposed to fecklessness.”

That’s when CNN anchor Bolduan began to lose it. Visibly agitated, she interrupted Mills and said with obvious emotion in her voice that he was “leaning toward” being a conspiracy theorist:

She interrupts him repeatedly like a scolding schoolteacher, clearly trying to get him to stop speculating about even the possibility that some of the security failures might have been intentional. Despite Mills trying to explain to her that he is pointing out why an investigation is necessary, Bolduan is clearly upset and alarmed that she cannot force him to stop speaking. 

“Is it not dangerous? Is it not reckless to even be throwing around the word intentional?” she said, repeatedly moving her hand toward him in a “shush” gesture. You can see her clenching her jaw and sighing while squirming in her chair. “Mommy” was clearly upset. At one point, she even said, “I’m so uncomfortable right now.”

Are you feeling confident in your ability as an American to hear the news and information you need? 

Twitter/X users were, in the main, not impressed with Bolduan. 

Several users obviously wanted to hear more from the expert, Rep. Mills, and less from what some called the “blonde woman on CNN.”

It brings to mind the line from Don Henley’s famous song “Dirty Laundry”: “Bubble-headed bleach blonde comes on at five.”

How you rate CNN on this one? Tell us in the comments. 

4 thoughts on “CNN Host Melts Down at Rep. Cory Mills Over Security Failures at Trump Rally”

  1. I don’t know how anyone at this point can believe this was anything but a deep state job. This was not simply bad decisions and lax security. This was a planned operation to take out the president where they were told to ignore the shooter and even after seeing him, wait until he had completed his shots. He just happened to miss… that’s it. This was a deep state assassination attempt foiled by nothing more than Trump being lucky enough to have have turned his head at the right moment.

  2. A 20 year old geek knew the building was going to be available for a clear shot in advance of the rally. This was no accident.

  3. Plan A was suing Trump from running. That failed.

    Plan B was keeping Trump off the ballot. That failed.

    Plan C is this “lawfare” with Democrats using the same legal philosophy of Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, head of the NKVD under Stalin “Show me the man and I will find the crime.” This has pumped Trump poll numbers and fund raising to record levels.

    Plan D is an assassination of Trump after the democrats try to strip him of his Secret Service Protection. I guess Biden could not wait for that. What Joe did instead was direct USSS Director Kim Cheatle to turn down repeated requests for a larger security footprint around President Trump. She acquiesced despite knowing the threat level is catastrophic against Trump.

  4. Ronald Jackson

    I stopped watching main stream media ‘news’ shows in the late 1980’s when 60 Minutes did a segment on teen pregnancy. They had some twisted point to make, and as an medical doctor who deals with teen pregnancies on a regular basis, it was obvious to me that the propagandists in charge of 60 Minutes had no regard for truth because their sole goal was to convince their audience to believe something that they had to know was untrue. I realized that day that if I were not a doctor dealing with the subject of their propaganda broadcast every day, I might have believed they were reporting the truth instead of telling lies to confuse me into believing teen pregnancies were in no way the fault of teen boys acting irresponsibly.

    I stopped watching 60 Minutes and network news that day and I have never looked back. Today I don’t know the names of America’s mainstream media broadcasters, and I wouldn’t recognize their faces if they were standing in front of me. I get my news today primarily from reading, and I avoid reading articles on left-leaning news sites because I hate being lied to. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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